Friday, November 13, 2015

This little devotional is so simple and powerful. It speaks to the very heart of alot of our issues we have today. 
Sometimes, when our voice fails, His comes out loud and clear.
When our ears, fail to hear, His hears even the smallest of sounds.
He truly does hold the world, our hearts, and everything in beween in palm of His hands.
God Bless.

The Still, Small Voice

November 13

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.Psalm 23:1, NKJV
Do you sometimes cry out, as I have, “God, don’t You see my tears? Don’t You see my broken heart? God, never mind me, but how can You bear to see the agony of my loved one? God, I know that You care. I just don’t understand why You don’t intervene in this situation right now. Why don’t You do something? And, God, why did you do that?!”
Then, to my heart, I seem to hear His still, small voice whispering, “Anne, trust Me. I know what’s best.” And I’m left to wonder why I think I know better than God what’s best for me or my loved one.
From Why?
Anne Graham Lotz

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