Friday, November 20, 2015

Keep The River Flowing

I love sitting by a river and watching the water flow. In fact, one might be surprised as to what actually can float down a river.

One time, while I was sitting and watching the watch, I saw bumper from a car float pass me. Laugh if you like but it's the truth.

As I watched the bumper move along, it appeared to be free from any obstacles but five minutes later, the bumper hit a current and when it did, it sucked the bumper right into the eye of the current. It swirled and if you didn't know any better, you would have thought it was fighting for it's life and doing everything it could to get out the trouble it was in.

About 10 to 20 minutes later, the current spit the bumper out and sent it flying to the other side of the river bank landing into a pile of tree branches that were already in the river. The adventure the bumper was on had now come to an frustrated end.

Ever feel like that bumper? Yeah, me too. That's why I got so much out of this devotional and hopefully you do too.

God Bless.

Keep the River Flowing

Deep inside each of us, there is a river of life. This river is a wonderful gift given to each of us by God. It flows with good health, a positive outlook on life, and a generous and forgiving attitude.

Many people, however, have allowed their river to become stopped-up. They are always discouraged, and no matter what they do, they can't seem to snap out of it. Years of neglect have turned a once-power-flowing river into a small stream. Do you know people like this? Does this sound like your life?

Until you're able to get your river cleared out and unclogged, everything will be difficult, disappointing and unfulfilling. You'll be unable to taste the water that satisfies like nothing else.

Get in the river by clearing what blocks its flow. Make a choice today to stop spending your life fighting, struggling and trudging through the mud with every step. Ask God to help you clear out the debris. He'll show you what's blocking the flow and how to get rid of it. Then, enjoy the satisfying flow of the river of life!

Prayer Starter: God, I want to keep Your river of living water flowing in me. Show me what the debris is that's blocking the way and then show me how to clear it out.

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