Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Advent: The Choices We Make

This advent devotional is with deep depth and puts you in a thinking mode.

What better way than to celebrate the birth of Christ than by thinking about the choices we made and how we can improve on them while leaving the choices that have been a mistake behind us!

Isn't that the reason why Jesus was born? To wipe away our bad choices and make all things new? I believe so and that can be life changing if you let it.

God Bless and Merry Christmas.

The Choices We Make

I have chosen the way of truth; Your judgments I have laid before me. - Psalm 119:30, NKJV

From the time we make the choice to open our eyes and get out of bed in the morning until we make the choice to go back to bed and close our eyes in the evening, our days are filled with a series of choices. We choose
where we go,
what we do,
what we believe,
and how we behave.

Our own lives, reputations, relationships, careers, health, future, and values are shaped by the choices we make. The choice
to lie or to tell the truth,
to seek vengeance or to forgive,
to ignore God or to acknowledge God,
determines the type of person we are. Without question, the most important choice you will ever make involves your attitude toward God and your relationship with Him.

From God's Story
Anne Graham Lotz 

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