Tuesday, December 22, 2015

For As He Thinks In His Heart So Is He

This is some great advice we can find in this devotional for not only in this season but for the coming year.

Let's face it, anxiety is a killer. It can kill your faith, kill your marriage, steal your joy, wreck a home, and everything in between. 

Anxiety is something we all must deal with and the faster we get it conquered the better off our lives will be. Not saying it will ever truly be gone from our lives but we do have a weapon we can use against it and win in the end.

God Bless.

“For as he thinks in his heart so is he..” Proverbs 23:7

As anxiety creeps up and fears come to my mind and heart, God gently nudges me and asks, “What are you focusing on? Are you focusing on the problem or Me?”

Proverbs 23:7 tells us, “For as he thinks in his heart so is he.” As I read this Scripture, conviction fell heavy on my heart. I was thinking negative thoughts of worry and fear. It is no wonder I was feeling so anxious, I took my eyes away from God. This scripture shows us how powerful our thought life can be. As our mind is thinking of worry, we are giving the enemy a foot hold in our lives.

If you are struggling in a particular area of your life, take notice of what kind of thoughts you are entertaining and receiving. Are you entertaining anxious thoughts? Or are you standing firm on God’s word and rebuking the thoughts of worry and fear? God’s word is our weapon, but it is our responsibility to use it to battle the enemy. Today I pray we focus on taking hold of every thought (see 2 Corinthians 10:5)!

Declare this today from your heart:
For as I think so I will be! I will think on thoughts of the Kingdom today. Father, I invite you into my thought life. Jesus, be Lord of my mind. Forgive me for meditating on thoughts of worry and fear. I rebuke the enemy and every worrying thought he brings to my mind. I choose to ponder no longer on his ideas. I focus on what is true. Your word is true. I plead the blood of Jesus over my mind, and every thought that I have. I am made pure by His blood. May His blood wash over my mind and purify it. Lord, empower me to take every thought captive. As lies come up, help me to be aware. As negative thoughts creep in, help me to take notice. When I get distracted, nudge my heart to focus back on you. I am a child of the living God, and I will walk in my renewed mind! I will meditate on your word and focus on your promise. For you God are life everlasting, the answer to every prayer, and my strength to help me overcome today! In Jesus Name, Amen

 Derek Prince Ministries

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