Thursday, December 3, 2015

Waiting Here For You, An Advent Journey Of Hope

I have ttrouble still anytime let alone being still for God. Maybe that is what my issue truly is where I am at in my relationship  With God. I like to control things and I have a hard time if something I think should already be resolved when it isn't. 

Yep control freak right here! 

I love this Advent devotional. It really gets to the heart to why we shouldn't be a control freak and the importance of being still.

God wants to talk with us daily so, we should just let him.

God Bless.


A time of stillness as we wait in hope on the Lord.


Quiet moments are rare and it can be difficult to find stillness, but take a few minutes today to quietly and deeply consider the Lord. Try not to read or study or be distracted—just be still and meditate on the person of Jesus and all He has done for you. Think about His birth, His infancy, and the dawn of light rising over a dark and weary world. Think about His death and sacrifice, and the gift of life He extends to you. Meditate on His resurrection, His power over the darkness and the grave. Drink in His presence and in the stillness seek His face. And think about His coming, the day you will see Him face to face.


Take a moment and just be quiet before Him. Think about Jesus and take confidence in Him.


Father, I am waiting here for You. Meet me in the silence. Meet me in this moment. Meet me in and through Your Son and by Your Spirit. Amen.

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