Monday, December 21, 2015

Advent: Mary Was Chosen

I love how this little advent devotional brings Joseph to the forefront of the birth of Christ.

If it weren't for Joseph who was willing to listen to an angel and willing to raise a son who wasn't his makes him a hero in my book. Without Joseph, this story would be like every other story. A story full of problems, regrets, and the struggles.

But with Joseph, he gives this story life, hope, and a purpose. Without Joesph, Mary would have been stoned to death, and the Savior's birth would just be a pipe dream, possibly.

Thank God for Joseph and his willingness to be a hero who has been outshone by a priest, angels, a virgin, a servant, a flock of shepherds, wise men, and the creatures of God without an ounce of complaint on his part, just pure acceptance. What a guy!

God Bless and Merry Christmas

Just as Mary was chosen to be the mother of Christ, so Joseph was chosen to be Jesus' earthly father. God showed confidence in Joseph's character when He entrusted the humble carpenter with the raising of His Son. One of the ways Joseph nurtured Jesus was by teaching Him how to make things out of wood. Jesus probably worked as a carpenter until He was 30 years old.

Give each child a small hammer, nails and some lightweight pieces of wood. Show them how to hammer a nail and, depending on their ability, nail pieces of wood together. Imagine Jesus and Joseph working side by side. What are some things Joseph might have taught Jesus to make?

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