Friday, December 25, 2015

Jesus Held His Peace

Merry Christmas! No matter what your going through today whether it's joyous or not, remember to keep the peace and march on! Jesus, the Savior of the World has been born and He is your answer and He is your Prince of peace.

God Bless.

Jesus held His peace. – Matt 26:63

The striking thing about the trial of Jesus was that His enemies could find nothing against Him. It is worth our while, too, to notice how Jesus answered the calumnies and false witnessings – He was silent to all the charges. It is well we should remember how our Master bore Himself when He was wronged. We should not vex ourselves over unkind treatment from others. It is a great lesson, to learn to be silent under injury. We talk altogether too much. Yet there come times when we must speak, when it would be treason to truth to remain silent. Jesus answered not a word before His accusers, until the high priest adjured Him to say whether He was the Messiah or not. At once He broke silence. We must never be silent when the interests of right and truth demand that we speak.
The saddest thing in all that night to Jesus was the denial by His greatest apostle. We give Him joy by being faithful and true to Him; we grieve Him by every act or word or thought of disloyalty.

Derek Prince Ministries

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