Tuesday, December 1, 2015

When He Tugs At Your Heart

I couldn't have said this any better than what this devotional has. 

God is always speaking and has faith we will listen and doing what He asked of us. 

Unfortunately, there isn't a booming voice coming from the clouds so we must rely on the pulling of our guts and our hearts. 

That is why I find this devotional so encouraging in a time when so much encouragement is needed.

God Bless.

When He tugs at your heart.

“Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah” Psalms 62:8, KJV.

Have you ever felt God tugging at your heart, but you chose to do everything you possibly could to avoid coming to Him with your real problems? I have. I didn’t know how to articulate the pain I was feeling. So I went to my favorite spot to try to relax, called up a friend, went to the gym, got in the car and went for a drive, put on my favorite song and danced myself happy, spent some money we didn’t have and made my husband upset with me…all in an attempt to hide my true feelings from the Lord.

But thank God, He will wait for us, and when we’re done avoiding Him, there He is ready to lift us up in His arms and love on us like we can’t believe. He sees pass the smiles, the laughs, and the masks. God sees pass all of it and He gently tugs at our hearts to let Him into the deeper places that we’re too afraid to walk Him into.

He cares about everything that concerns you and He wants to lift you up and remind you of His undying love for you.

Bring your heart to God. If you hold it in too long, you risk turning into someone you’re not. You’re a daughter of the King. That’s who you are. Obey His tug at your heart and draw near to Him. Watch Him draw near to you like you never thought possible.

Prayer: Father God, thank you. I knew you loved me, but I didn’t know you loved me this much. I always knew you cared for me, but I didn’t know you cared this much. You are true and real, and I love you more than anything. Forgive me for not coming to you. I submit to you now. I give it all to you. Fill me with your Spirit. Fill me with your love. I come to you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

(Read James 4:8, Hebrews 4:14-16; Matthew 11:28)

Daughters of the King

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