Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Because If You Confess With Your Mouth

This is such a simple devotional but yet seems so hard to carry forth. Why?
Fear. Plain and simple. The evil of all evils.
But thank heavens there are devotionals out there to help make sense what it trurly means to confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord.
I have spent years going back and forth feeling like I wasn't worthy because I truly didn't have a clue what it meant of the power I had to make this world a better place before me.
Thank God, He never gave up on me and sent this we devotional my way to show me He doesn't see me the way I see myself or consider me stupid for now h having the answers. He just loved me into freedom. And it's high time, I share the wealth of that knowledge to those around me.
God Bless.

Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. (Romans 10:9)
The meaning of the resurrection is that God is for us. He aims to close ranks with us. He aims to overcome all our sense of abandonment and alienation. The resurrection of Jesus is God’s declaration to Israel and to the world that we cannot work our way to glory but that he intends to do the impossible to get us there. The resurrection is the promise of God that all who trust Jesus will be the beneficiaries of God’s power to lead us in paths of righteousness and through the valley of death.
Therefore, believing in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead is much more than accepting a fact. It means being confident that God is for you, that he has closed ranks with you, that he is transforming your life, and that he will save you for eternal joy. Believing in the resurrection means trusting in all the promises of life and hope and righteousness for which it stands. It means being so confident of God’s power and love that no fear of worldly loss or greed for worldly gain will lure us to disobey his will. That’s the difference between Satan and the saints. O, might God circumcise our hearts to love him and to rest in the resurrection of his Son.
Toolbox for Life Devotional
By Rick Warren

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