Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Delayed Obedience Is Disobedience

I am guilty of not doing what God tells me to do. I go back and forth as to whether or not i heasrd God correctly.
My wishy washy attitude leads me to go back and forth long enough that I talk myself right out even taking a step to do what I think God has told me to do.
I know, it's a problem area for me but I am working on it, confident I am going to push through and it will make me a better witness for the Light of the World.
God Bless

Delayed Obedience Is Disobedience
“Without delay I hurry to obey your commands” (Psalm 119:60 GNT).
The Bible is full of life instructions. They’re called the commands of God. And he expects us to obey his commands right away. Imagine if a parent tells a child to do something and he or she says, “I’ll think about it.” Wouldn’t there be consequences? But we do that to God all the time. God says he wants us to do something, and we say, “I’ll think about it.” We don’t have that kind of authority. It’s no different from a child telling a parent, “I’ll think about it.” But when the Creator of the universe tells us to do something, he expects us to do it — now. Every parent knows that delayed obedience is disobedience. The Bible says, “Without delay I hurry to obey your commands” (Psalm 119:60 GNT).
So what has God told you to do that you haven’t started doing yet? What are you waiting for? God has your best interests at heart. Go ahead and do what he’s told you to do.
-Toolbox for life devotional
By Rick Warren

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