Monday, August 14, 2017

When Mouth Speaks, Mind Listen

When the mouth speaks, the mind listens, if only that were true. For me, it's the other way around.
Yep, sure my mouth gets me in trouble in any givven day, it's my mind I have a hard time to control.
Any in any given day, I long for my mind to shut down and not think of things that hasn't even happen yet and just enjoy the day.
Well, so far, it hasn't happened today, but I have faith that the God of this universe is working in me and tomorrow might be the day when my mind, body, soul, and spirit is living in peace.
God Bless.

When Mouth Speaks, Mind Listens
by Kenneth Copeland “There is no truth in him [the devil].” John 8:44
You might as well face it. As long as you are on this earth, the devil is going to talk to you. He has a right to test your faith by bringing you circumstances and lies to see if you’ll receive them. But when he does, refuse them. Cast down those fearful imaginations and every thought that is contrary to the promise of God (2 Corinthians 10:5).
Say, “The Lord is on my side. I will not fear!” Then open your mouth and speak the Word of God. Use it to contradict the devil’s lies. If he tells you, You won’t have enough money for your house payment this month, don’t just struggle silently with that thought. Speak up. Say right out loud, “I will have the money for my house payment. I know I will because my God supplies all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus!” I found out a long time ago that when my mouth speaks, my mind has to stop and listen to what it’s saying. Maybe you won’t fully believe that confession the first time you make it. But if you’ll keep saying it, you’ll keep hearing it. And what you hear, you’ll believe. Eventually your faith will be so strong and your heart will be so full, you’ll start speaking with total confidence.
That’s when the devil will run for cover because fear has no chance when faith comes on the scene. Faith is the original. Fear is the counterfeit. And the real overcomes the phony every time. Speak the Word “The Lord is on my side. I do not fear!” —Psalm 118:6
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