Monday, August 7, 2017

This Kind Can Be Cast Out By Prayer

The words below speak to how I feel in most situation.
If only are becoming the way I think and then from my mind to my mouth making any given situation worse. I am my own worse enemy.
If  only I would take this little devotional to heart and do wha t it says, then maybe not only my life but my neighthood, town, county, state and my country would be in a better state than what it is now.
God Bless.
Jesus replied, "This kind can be cast out only by prayer." (NLT) -Mark 9:29
Have you ever looked at someone and thought that person could be better if he or she listened to your advice? Maybe you took a step forward and did give your unsolicited advice. While it may seem benevolent to you, many times it's painful to the other person and you may not even realize it. Have you thought about just "praying" instead of "preaching"?
Download this app to get your daily devotions:

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