Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Keep Life Interesting

I don't need a little devotional to tell me to make my life interesting, it already is. But it doesn't hurt to stay humble and acknowledge wisdom when it comes your way. And that is exactly what this devotional offers.

Wisdom. Wisdom regarding how to get the most out of this life and we need all the help we can get for this life, if you want to be honest, can suck sometimes.

So, it's time to get the most out of it, and go make our lives more interesting.

God Bless.

Keep Life Interesting

by Joyce Meyer -

Whatever may be your task, work at it heartily (from the soul), as [something done] for the Lord and not for men. —Colossians 3:23
Life wasn’t meant to be dull and boring. We are not created by God to merely do the same thing over and over until it has no meaning at all. God is creative. If you don’t think so, just look around you. Many of the animals, bugs, plants, birds, trees, and other living things are unique, out of the ordinary, and totally amazing. You were created to be unique, out of the ordinary and totally amazing too. That is why I think it is good to occasionally do something that seems outrageous to people and perhaps even to you. Do something that people won’t expect. It will keep your life interesting and keep other people from thinking they have you tucked away nicely in a little box of their own design.

One great woman who was seventy-six years of age said that her goal was to do at least one outrageous thing per week. Isn’t that a great idea? If you purposefully do something out of the norm on a regular basis, this will keep you from getting stuck in a rut, bored and unenthused about your life. What outrageous thing will you do today? Refuse to be bored and just limp along through life. Be creative and add fun to whatever you do.

From the book Closer to God Each Day by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2015 by Joyce Meyer. Reprinted by permission of FaithWords, a division of Hachette Book Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

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