Monday, August 21, 2017

If One Person Falls

I love this little devotional. I love the concept of it. And if we, as Christians would take it to heart then this world would be a better place where loved ruled and evil drooled and wished they had come up with something as cool.
But, there always seems to be a but, this isn't the case or it's few and far between. But I have a dream where love, kindness, and compassion will someday rule the world before Christ returns and it starts with me and ends with you as you help me pick up the mantle and carry the dream of love to a lost and dying world.
God Bless.
If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. (NLT) -Ecclesiastes 4:10
Work on growing your relationship with someone near to you. Maybe it's a friend, neighbor, sibling, or parent. Maybe it's your spouse, and life events have been pulling the two of you apart. Spend valuable time investing in these relationships, and not only will you get further in life than you would by yourself, but you will feel rewarded in being part of another's life story.
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