Friday, September 29, 2017

Scarificial Thanks

Amen to the words below!
A cry for help to truly get what the author of this little devotional is tryong to say and how I can then go out and make a difference in this world.
One thing I know for sure, even though I am not young, I don't want, am not looking for, or have any desire to participate in going someplace that is putting on a show or having to have a coffee time to be a part of something or to bring people in.
You will waste my time and I don't have time to waste. What I am looking for; no, what I need is a place and a people who will teach me about this family I have been adopted into and show me why I need to care about others rather than my own life.
I need someone to show me it is goingto be okay and the help me through my life storms. Someone who will stand by me as the tears fall and the waves of uncertainty threated to over take me.
What I need is someone to show me the importance of praising in the good time's but more importantly praising in the bad and how those are times when I show the devil and those around me just how strong I am.
And thank heavens I know just the right person who will do just that and His name is the Holy Spirit. He will lead me and guide me in the way's of my Father who already knows what I need but I can't put into word's.
Thank heaven's for a Savior who has already paid my bill and made a way for the light of His love to shine through and doesn't condemn me when I waver just a little bit but will pull me back to Him and all He ask od me is to love and to praise Him with every beat of my heart.
So yeah, I think I can do this sacrificial praise thing. The benefits outweigh anything I could think or imagine.
God Bless.

Sacrificial Thanks
Scripture Reading: Romans 12:1-3 I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. - Romans 12:1
Statistics show that in North America church attendance is shrinking, especially among young people. It’s hard to know what to make of this trend, but some churches have tried to respond by adding a “cool” factor to their worship—cool music, cool pastor, cool worship space, cool coffee bar. Further studies have shown, though, that “cool” is not what young people are actually looking for in a church. Instead, they are seeking authenticity in their leaders and a cause worth staking their lives on. Paul proclaims that there is something worth sacrificing everything for: it’s called God’s mercy.
And yet God’s mercy cannot be bought through any sacrifice we make. It’s God’s gift to us, offered freely in Christ. And Paul explains that when we look and see God’s mercy in our lives, our response will be gratitude. The authors of the Heidelberg Catechism wrote, “Christ, having redeemed us by his blood, is also restoring us by his Spirit into his image, so that with our whole lives we may show that we are thankful to God for his benefits” (Q&A 86). Living gratefully isn’t your work alone. Christ is at work in you, opening your eyes to God’s mercy and prompting you to stake your life on a cause with eternal benefits. How will you be a living sacrifice today? Prayer: Lord, help me to be ever grateful for your mercy and to offer my life as a sacrifice to you. Amen.
Ruth Boven

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Don't Just Pretend To Love Others. Love Them.

I seem to be on a theme this week in my devotional's.  Or maybe it is just God's way of saying to me, I need to do a betrwr job at loving others.
I know this is an area I need to grow in and I thought I did until someone stole, okay maybe, took the last bag of Doritos right out of my hands. Okay, rather right off the shelve but I was goung for them and then she took them and had the audacity to give me a look and a smug smile.
I'll smile you, I thought as she went about her business.  The only person I seemed to be hurting was myself by being rude and disrespectful. How do I know if she was having a bad day or hurting in some other way? I never allowed myself to see her through God's eye's because I was to busy being selfish.
Now I realize I talk a good game when it comes to loving other's and I still need little devotional's like these to shine the light on the area's I need God's love, mercy, and grace. Shine on, light, shine on!
God Bless
Don't just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. (NLT) -Romans 12:9
No one likes a fake smile because of the insincerity associated with it. Nor does anyone like false love from a person. Love is such a profound form of affection that it should not be artificial. If you do not have genuine concern for someone then pray for God to soften your heart towards them.
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Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Secret Of Relationships

Love! LOVE! Loooove this little devotional! It is meaningful and so full of truth that I can't help wonder what would happen if we took these words to heart and begin to live ny them.
I can't help but think this world would be in much better shape than it is now. With all this political correctness taking place, we are slowly but surely losing our sense of what is important, ALL LIVES MATTER in the sight of God.
And if we truly understood this, there wouldn't be oppression, depression,  misunderstandings, or misgivings in the lives around us. We would truly be living the word's of the song sang by Louis Armstrong....It's A Beautiful World.
God Bless.
"Honor all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king." (1 Peter 2:7)
All relationships should be marked with honor. Remember that all people are made in the image of God and what you do and say to them, you do and say to Christ. There should be love for the brotherhood, the church. Our relationship with the church should be marked by sacrifice and service, not just by attendance. Fear God: In His Word, the fear of the Lord is to depart from iniquity those who truly respect the Almighty will depart from sin. Honor the King: God expects us to obey, respect and serve those who govern our country, whether they do it with righteousness or wickedness. These are the secrets of a relationship.
Proverbs 31 Devotional App

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Growing In The Grocery Store

I hate to go grocery the store. The reasons are numerous. The shoving, the rudeness, the disgust of getting the same old same old, not to mention my disgust of how much my final grocery bill.
As you can see, my patience is none and void in the supermarket. So when I came across this little devotional, I had to laugh when I began to read it.
But the meaning of what is trying to be conveyed is loud and clear.
Everyone can use some word's of wisdom when it comes to dealing in the area of patience.
We all have an area where patience isn't present but with the help of a loving God and little devotional's like these hope is within our grasp and our lives will become fuller, happier, and more meaningful.
God Bless.

Growing in the Grocery Store
by Gloria Copeland
“For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.” Hebrews 10:36
Contrary to what you might think, you don’t have to wait for a major trial to develop patience. We have wonderful opportunities in all those small but irritating situations we encounter every day. In fact, developing your patience a little at a time, in all those everyday situations, is what will build a foundation for you to stand on when major trials come. I ran into one such situation once in the grocery store. I was in a hurry, so I chose the express line. There were only a couple of people in line and they just had a few items to buy, so I didn’t think it would take long. But that clerk was so slow!
As my frustration mounted I thought, They ought to put a sign here that says “Slow-Motion Line”! What was that? An opportunity to exercise patience. Such opportunities are important, because when you exercise patience, it grows. If you’ll use it in small things, it will be strong enough to handle the bigger things when they come along. Every fruit of the spirit increases in you as you exercise it. Remember that the next time some little aggravation is about to make you lose your temper. Instead of saying, “I’ve had it,” say, “No, in Jesus’ Name, I choose to yield to the force of patience God has put within me. I believe I’ll just count this slow grocery line to be a joy and use it as an opportunity to grow!” Speak the Word “I let patience have her perfect work, that I may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.” —James 1:4
Need prayer? Call 817-852-6000. We’re here for you, 24/7! Also, visit to receive a free gift from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Don't Judge By Appearance Or Height

This little devotional is really sensitive to me because I suffer from a gene defect that hinders how I look.
All my life I have struggled to see myself as God sees me...beautiful and prefect.
Even though I have a husband a son who loves me and doesn't seem to mind my appearance, they some times become a little patronizing acting as if I can't do anything.
Yes, I am limited, but more importantly, my mind limits me more than anything or anyone. So when I see others, I try to see them as I want them to see me.
I try hard to see them for who they are, God's choosen, wonderfully made children who.are created in the sight of God.
I don't always succeed and that is why I need little devotional's like these to help me so I can go out and make the world a better place.
God Bless.
But the Lord said to Samuel, "Don't judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The Lord doesn't see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." (NLT) -1 Samuel 16:7
Isn't it refreshing to know that God doesn't judge us by our appearance, but rather by purity of heart? He looks at our motivations and thoughts to judge each one of us. To take it one step further, do we hold others to the same standard to which God holds us? Or do we instead judge others superficially, according to the ways of the world? Let's make an effort not to be hypocritical by wanting to be judged by our heart while judging others based on appearance.
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Friday, September 22, 2017

Don't Use Foul Or Abusive Language

Yeah, foul language is everywhere and I have to admit, I have been known to use some words that isn't proper for a daughter of a King; in fact, there are times I don't even know I am doing it, it just comes naturally.
More importantly, my foul language problems become prominent when I am angry and upset or don't get my way.
Yep, that's me. Miss nice girl who will chew you up and spit you out if you get in her way. God forgive me and He does then lets me know I am a work in progress.
So, who am I to judge? The only thing I need to worry about is getting myself right in this area and pray for others who struggle in this area. Isn't this what being a Christian is all about?
God Bless
Don't use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them. (NLT) -Ephesians 4:29
Go one step beyond not using abusive language. Instead of trying to just stay neutral in difficult situations, provide words of encouragement. There are many situations in which anger can creep up, such as when your spouse forgets to take out the trash, pay a bill, or pick up eggs from the store. Remember to be patient, understanding and forgiving, and then let your spouse know how much you appreciate them.
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Thursday, September 21, 2017

If You Are Wise And Understand God's Way's Prove It

I was always taught if you wanted to be known as an honorable person than you must be a person of your word.
However, for me, I am most of the time. It is only the times I want my way that I become a person I don't recognize or want to be.
Yet, I know in those times there is someone greater living in me guiding in the ways of truth and love and the only requirement asked of me is I work with Him and allow myselfish ways fall to the wayside.
Easier said then done but I'm thankful I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.
God Bless.
If you are wise and understand God's ways, prove it by living an honorable life, doing good works with the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you are bitterly jealous and there is selfish ambition in your heart, don't cover up the truth with boasting and lying. (NLT) -James 3:13-14
We all possess some degree of selfishness. The important thing is to acknowledge it and let others know of your intentions. People will be more understanding if you reveal it rather than hide it. If you feel strong enough to mirror God's ways, change your direction by giving time and money to those less fortunate than yourself. If you don't feel strong enough, ask God for the strength.
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Wednesday, September 20, 2017

I Trust In God, So Why Should I Be Afraid

I trust in the Lord about 80% of the time.

I hate the fact it's not one hundred percent but the fact remains I want to be in contol of everything and get upset when I am not.

I recently heard Joyce Myers say the main  reason we, Christian's don't trust God unconditionally is because we don't or think we haven't experienced God's goodness and love for us. We think He is going to let us down so we hold back.

Yep, that about wraps the trust issue up along with the words of this little devotional.

If we are going to make it in this world, we must step up our trust and lean not on our understanding for His ways are higher than ours.

God Bless.

I trust in God, so why should I be afraid? What can mere mortals do to me? (NLT) -Psalm 56:11 Trusting in God puts your heart at ease because you no longer have to worry. Placing your faith in Him relieves all doubt and uncertainty about the future. Do not be afraid of what other people may do. The effects of their actions are temporary in comparison to spending eternity with God.

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Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Crossing The Lie

Bearing false witness is a tricky and touchy subject. One might ask, how can we have a effective prayer chain without knowing what we are praying for?
Did you hear what happened to......this has to be the most popular sentence a Christian and non-Christian alike hear in a week. Surely, I can't be the only one.
There is nothing more important for a Christian to conquer and get a handle on to have a productive life, at least this is how I see things.
There is nothing written in stone where we need to be cruel, think less than someone. In fact, it is just the opposite. We are called to love not called to be nosey. Yep, I truely believe our noses are more of a guide and hindrance than our love and compassion.
Let us swallow are pride when our feelings get hurt and become warriors for God who are known not for being Pinocchio but son's and daughter's of the King of Kings who walk in love.
God Bless.
"You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor." (Exodus 20:16)
Bearing false witness takes many different forms. Gossip definitely counts, reporting a story to another according to your own views instead of strictly by facts counts as well. Forming false judgments about people privately is another example. Testifying about a situation in order to incriminate someone wrongfully is also bearing false witness. Lying to our children, spouse, or parents, is yet another example. Discontinuance of bearing false witness can be conquered through the strength of Jesus Christ, an adherence to personal penitence, and or the recognition of our personal struggles that cloud our judgment and perspective in a situation. Are you crossing the lie line?....Stay on the right side of the line.
Proverbs 31 Devotional App

Monday, September 18, 2017

Letting Out The Light

Can I just get a amen here...granted you wull first have to read thia little devotional to understand why I want an amen.

Isn't it time we stop being something we are not but start being the church of Christ who's only job is to spread the hope we have within us.

We need to shine the light to make a dent is this crazy world. People.need hope and Jesus needs vessels. We can be those vessels who bring change in a chaos world and isn't that what thw world needs now?

God Bless.

Letting the Light Out

By American Bible Society

If we spend any time in church, we’re likely to hear the term “broken world.” So much of what we encounter in life and in ourselves is corrupt, decaying, plagued by death and sadness. And it’s not only preachers who diagnose the problem. Poet William Blake wrote about wandering city streets, seeing in each passing pedestrian’s face “marks of weakness, marks of woe.” T.S. Eliot imagined people lined against the wall of a subway, “filled with fancies and empty of meaning.” Christians are not immune to brokenness. Often our relationships are fractured, characterized by complaining and arguing. In this letter, Paul reminds his readers that they need to be lights in a world of darkness and brokenness. His reminder is stern—a lot is at stake. He wants them to realize that they have the ability to contribute to the darkness or to dispel it. We contribute to the brokenness by grumbling and arguing about what other believers are doing wrong. The destructive pride of “at least I’m not like that person” happens most insidiously within our own communities of faith. But our common work is to be light in the darkness. So, what is this light that is supposed to be shining in a world marred by loss, deception, and waste? The light is the message of grace itself.

Glance at the verses again. The reason we have this light to give is that we’re children of God. We’ve been adopted through this word, and now are entrusted with this word. What does the word of life look like when it’s not printed on a page or screen? It looks like Jesus emptying and giving himself for us. Paul has spelled it out in the preceding verses: be unified; be humble; think of other people’s best interests, love each other. Here is light not only illuminating, but encroaching on and chasing out the darkness. This is God’s presence in the world. We need to learn this message in our bones, in our habits. The more we internalize the Bible’s message, the more we can admit our own brokenness. Christ emptied himself; now he fills us with his word. And that message of grace shines through our shortcomings. When we’re sincere and transparent with others—even in our weakness—we let out Christ’s light to others.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Someone Is Waiting On You

Great title, great idea, even better concept, but the follow-thru is a different matter.
In this day of self-centerness we tend to forget about the importance of others.
I'm guilty along with most of the world. Thw world doesn't need any help in being cruel.
However, what the world needs most is people like you and me to begin a love revolution where we make acts of kindness the headlines instead. The world has no problem in comprehending the cruel things in life, it is an expected everyday occurrence. What's not expected  and needs to be trending is people living in harmony trying to make this world a better place one day at a time; one person at a time.
God Bless.

Someone Is Waiting on You!
by Kenneth Copeland
“Jesus took him by the hand, and lifted him up; and he arose.” Mark 9:27 Mark 9 recounts the story of a father who brought his demon-possessed son to Jesus and asked for help. According to the scripture, Jesus rebuked the spirit and commanded it to come out. Simple enough, we think. But in verse 26, Jesus was in a position to undo everything with unbelief...or simply trust. “And the spirit cried, and rent him sore, and came out of him: and he was as one dead; insomuch that many said, He is dead.” What a situation! The man brings his son to Jesus for help. Jesus rebukes the spirit, casts it out, and now the boy looks dead! From a purely natural perspective, it looked as though Jesus had just made the situation worse. You’ve probably felt the same way where laying hands on the sick is concerned. Maybe you’ve laid hands on someone, and they haven’t looked healed. Or, maybe you’re not even willing to risk laying hands on someone because you aren’t sure they’ll be healed. Well, settle the issue here and now and forevermore. When Jesus was faced with what was happening to that little boy, He had more faith in the Word of God than He had in His natural senses. He wasn’t moved by physical appearances. He simply trusted that what He had said was done.
In verse 27, “Jesus took him by the hand, and lifted him up; and he arose.” He arose! If you’ve laid hands on someone, and they haven’t looked healed, don’t let that tempt you into believing that healing didn’t come. Healing always comes. Your responsibility is to be obedient to the Word of God and lay hands on the sick. Now, not everyone may be healed. Sometimes people won’t receive the healing. Sometimes they’re full of fear or doubt or unforgiveness, and they can’t receive what God is giving them. But when that happens, the last thing you want to do is withdraw your faith and say, “Well, I guess it didn’t work this time.” Don’t do that! Your faith may be the only hope that person has! Keep believing God. Act like Jesus did. Trust. Don’t be moved by what you see with your natural eyes. Say, “Lord, I did what Your Word said. I laid hands on the sick and as far as I’m concerned, every person I’ve laid hands on is recovering. I’m standing in faith for that recovery. God, open the eyes of their understanding, so they can fully receive their healing.” Once you do that, never back off again. Go forward in faith. Boldly lay hands on the sick. Expect God to do exactly what He promised. And just like the little boy, there are people out there right now who need someone with enough faith to deliver their miracle—people who are waiting for someone just like you! Speak the Word “In Jesus’ Name I lay hands on the sick and they recover.” —Mark 16:18
Need prayer? Call 817-852-6000. We’re here for you, 24/7! Also, visit to receive a free gift from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Enduring To The End

Can I be completely honest here, I daily cry out for the Lord to return because I don't have enough confidence in myself to last until Jesus returns.
There is so much crap that goes on in this world and I seem to be in the thick of most of it.
I am tired. I can't be the only one who needs strength and stamina to get through these trying times. But thankfully there is a hope beyond measure and all I have to do is draw on it.
This hope comes through in little way's. A smile,  a wave, a hug, and sometimes through a little devotional just like the one below.
God Bless.

"Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?" (Romans 8:35)
A great test of your love for the Lord is not the passion we have for following Him, but the endurance. No matter how much you love the Lord, there will be situations that will make you waver or shrink despite the confidence you have in Him. And yet, throughout these times of failures, God never leaves nor forsakes you. Examine the relationships in your life, are you trusting in passion, feelings and good times to keep them steady, or will you, with God's strength, endure the trials, stay the course, exhibit love and endure to the end?
Proverbs 31 Devotional

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

New Heaven And Earth

Ever wonder what the new heaven and earth will be like? Yeah me too. The following little devotional is a possible insight of what might occur soon.
I am not saying this is the actual way it will go down but just reading about it gives me hope. You know, something to believe in; to hope for.
And who couldn't use a little hope these day's? Me!!!!
God Bless.
The new heaven and the new earth will not be separate from each other the earth of the saints, their glorified, bodies, will be heavenly. The old world, with all its troubles and tumults, will have passed away. There will be no sea this aptly represents freedom from conflicting passions, temptations, troubles, changes, and alarms from whatever can divide or interrupt the communion of saints. This new Jerusalem is the church of God in its new and perfect state, the church triumphant. Its blessedness came wholly from God, and depends on him.
The presence of God with his people in heaven, will not be interrupt as it is on earth, he will dwell with them continually. All effects of former trouble shall be done away. They have often been in tears, by reason of sin, of affliction, of the calamities of the church but no signs, no remembrance of former sorrows shall remain. Christ makes all things new. If we are willing and desirous that the gracious Redeemer should make all things new in order hearts and nature, he will make all things new in respect of our situation, till he has brought us to enjoy complete happiness. See the certainty of the promise. God gives his titles, Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, as a pledge for the full performance. Sensual and sinful pleasures are muddy and poisoned waters and the best earthly comforts are like the scanty supplies of a cistern when idolized, they become broken cisterns, and yield only vexation. But the joys which Christ imparts are like waters springing from a fountain, pure, refreshing, abundant, and eternal. The sanctifying consolations of the Holy Spirit prepare for heavenly happiness they are streams which flow for us in the wilderness. The fearful durst not meet the difficulties of religion, their slavish fear came from their unbelief but those who were so dastardly as not to dare to take up the cross of Christ, were yet so desperate as to run into abominable wickedness. The agonies and terrors of the first death will lead to the far greater terrors and agonies of eternal death.
-Author Unknown

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

6 Things We Are In Christ

Let the words of this little devotional soak into our souls, our hearts, and our minds.
May we live as Christ called us to live in live in hope, in faith, in wisdom, and most importantly in love for others because that is what its all about.
God Bless.
[God] saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began. (2 Timothy 1:9) Being “in Christ Jesus” is a stupendous reality. It is breathtaking what it means to be in Christ. United to Christ. Bound to Christ. If you are “in Christ” listen to what it means for you: In Christ Jesus you were given grace before the world was created.
Second Timothy 1:9, “He gave us grace in Christ Jesus before the ages began.” In Christ Jesus you were chosen by God before creation. Ephesians 1:4, “God chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world.” In Christ Jesus you are loved by God with an inseparable love. Romans 8:38–39, “I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” In Christ Jesus you were redeemed and forgiven for all your sins. Ephesians 1:7, “In Christ we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses.” In Christ Jesus you are justified before God and the righteousness of God in Christ is imputed to you. Second Corinthians 5:21, “For our sake God made Christ to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” In Christ Jesus you have become a new creation and a son of God. Second Corinthians 5:17, “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” Galatians 3:26, “In Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith.”
-Author Unknown

Monday, September 11, 2017

New Heaven And New Earth

Revelations confusing? Nah. Okay maybe.  But there are also promises written throughout.
And one of them is about the new heavens and new earth. Exciting times. An exciting promise and it should be something we all need to look forward to. May this promise come quickly, Lord, we long for the day but until then, may you find us faithful.
God Bless.

And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away and there was no more sea." - (Revelation 21:1)
John's vision of Christ in the New Jerusalem. The book of revelation can be confusing, but it ends with Christ as the victor and sometimes that is all you really need to know and understand. This new heaven and earth will not be consumed with sin as we know it now. It's something to look forward to after all that we have seen and experienced on this present earth. The old will no longer be relevant the new will rule and dominate. There will be no wars, no death, and peace forevermore in this new heaven and earth.
Proverbs 31 App

Friday, September 8, 2017

Gratitude Beginnings

Gratitude. Something this world needs more of and to put into practice. I am just as guilty as the next person.
But I have wonder, if I got serious about living a life of thankfulness where my life would be; probably in better shape than where it is now.
Maybe, there is still hope for me and this world. Maybe all we need to do is begin today to live a life of gratitude is a mind change. And when the mind is change, the heart will be effected, which might just cause a world-wide revolution making this world a much better place for the future to come.
God Bless.

Scripture Reading: 1 Chronicles 16:7-36 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. - 1 Chronicles 16:34
This month we set our hearts on gratitude. Gratitude is good for us. Even science has proven it. The physician and researcher Hans Seyle, who extensively studied the negative effects of stress on humans, concluded that the best antidote to stress is gratitude. Of course, there’s much more to it than what science can name, because gratitude is rooted in God. Out of the groundswell of God’s goodness gratitude grows. In ancient Israel, King David’s whole being responded to God’s goodness. In this song of praise we see that David’s gratitude springs from God’s creational activity. Our first evidences of God’s goodness are in creation. David calls for the heavens to rejoice and the earth to be glad. He invites the sea to resound, the fields to be jubilant, and the trees of the forest to sing for joy. Why? Because the world is firmly established. In the beginning God acted with goodness in establishing this world, and God continues to sustain it by his costly grace. It’s been said that if the essence of God is goodness and grace, the essence of God’s people is gratitude. When we take time to recall God’s goodness and grace, our hearts tune in to the grateful melody all creation sings. So let’s join the sea and fields and trees today and sing for joy!
Prayer: Creator God, we lift our hearts to you in gratitude for this beautiful world you have made. Thank you for all you have done for us. We give thanks in the name of Jesus, through whom we have received grace upon grace. Amen.
Ruth Boven

Thursday, September 7, 2017

God Has Made Everything Beatuiful In His Own Time

God's timing sucks! I can't believe I am the only one who thinks this and there are times I don't see anything beatuiful around me and a lot of times I wonder where God is.
I know, I am a horrible Christian but at least I am an honest one and I know I have a relationship with a loving God who doesn't condemn me but is thrilled I care enough about our relationship to ask questions and seek Him and His way's.
I may not see Him in things everyday doesn't mean He hasn't left them for me to see. And that's okay because He is still working on me and those things around me.
God Bless.
Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God's work from beginning to end. (NLT) -Ecclesiastes 3:11
Sometimes it's hard to see the beauty in things, people, or life’s events. It's easy to be overwhelmed, stressed, and busy yet we don't take the time to see the beauty that surrounds us. He sees us as His beautiful creation. Remember that God has made us unique in His image. Look in the mirror and smile at God's beautiful creation!
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Wednesday, September 6, 2017

I Don't Want To

When dealing with the sins in our lives we either acknowledge them and repent; acknowledge them and still go about our business without dealing with them; or all the above and still fall back into our same old habits later on.
Sin. The destoyer of lives and nations. God help us all and thank heavens he will!
God Bless.

I don't want to, but I do David's prayer today, when he said "keep your servant from deliberate sins" gives us a very important idea. Some sins we do do them deliberately, and we cannot fight them alone as David believes "they can control him".
We can see that all the times in our lives: A man who wants to love and be faithful to his wife, but ends up in an affair because something inside him is too powerful and controlling him. A woman who wants to honour her husband, but ends up gossiping about him to her friends because something inside her called emotion is controlling her. A young man/ woman who wants to stay pure until wedding day, but ends up committing sexual sins because something inside them called lust is controlling them. The examples can go on and on... and David was no excuse, I'm also no excuse.
That's why, only God can be bigger than them all! Only God, can be bigger that the sins controlling us. Only God, can be bigger than our emotion, lust and our weaknesses. Let's call on Him this morning, everyone everywhere needs God to be kept safe from deliberate sins. Whoever finds God, finds life.
-Author Unknown

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The Holy Spirit Is Our Regenerator

There are days, okay let's be honest,  it is more like everyday, I need to have some form of a sap of energy to get me started, okay, more like to get me through the day.
I know what I need to get by and I seem to be happy with the just getting by life. But there is a part of me that wants more and knows how to get but the follow through is the problem and my greatest weakness.
I am so grateful there is a person who is continuing to work in my life even when I don't feel like He is. And believe you me, He has no problem sapping me into shape when it deems necessary. Now, the responsiblity for the follow through comes back to me so I better sap myself into gear.
God Bless.
The Holy Spirit Is Our Regenerator
Meet the Holy Spirit, who can do it all. He is the Spirit of God. He has limitless power and wisdom, yet He willingly comes to live inside any person who believes in Jesus Christ. And that means we have access to His amazing power. As I pondered the work of the Holy Spirit in Scripture and in my own life, I identified seven distinct roles He plays.
Jesus told Nicodemus that we are born again by the Holy Spirit. “Truly, truly, I say to you,” Jesus said in John 3:5, “unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” True conversion is the most supernatural thing we will ever experience. When a person puts his faith in Christ for salvation, it is the Spirit who opens the heart and imparts divine life. He then indwells us, giving us the confidence that we are now children of God. None of us would be Christians today if it were not for the regenerating power of the Spirit.
And if you have ever led someone to faith in Christ, you know it is truly the most amazing miracle God can perform. If you are praying for someone to repent and give his heart to Jesus, do not minimize the role the Holy Spirit plays in this process. How does this miracle happen? We typically tell new Christians that Jesus came into their hearts at the moment they repented of their sins. But again our language limits the grandeur of a true conversion. When the Holy Spirit enters the life of a repentant believer, He literally breathes new life into the dead! Just as the prophet Ezekiel watched dry skeletons stand up, grow new flesh, and breathe again (Ezek. 37), people who are dead in sin are resurrected to a new life when they believe in Jesus Christ for the first time. Never forget the raw power of conversion. Of all the manifestations of the Holy Spirit available to us, conversion is the most precious—and the most powerful. Never minimize the Holy Spirit’s power to transform a sinner.
7 Truths of The Holy Spirit Devotional

Monday, September 4, 2017

Live A Life Of Power

To live a life of power is my prayer. I have a deep hunger within me to see the power of God in my life.
Just because I have the desire doesn't mean I have the willpower or knowledge how to make it happen.
So when I come across little devotional's like these I grab hold of it and hang on for dear life and pray, then put it into action.
Sure, I might not have it all together now or even tomorrow but someday....and this is what I long for...
God Bless
Live a Life of Power!
by Gloria Copeland
“Strip yourselves of your former nature...and be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind...put on the new nature...created in...true righteousness and holiness.” Ephesians 4:22-24, The Amplified Bible To live a life pleasing to God, you must have the spiritual strength to lay aside natural pursuits at times. How do you develop that strength? First and foremost by spending time in the Word and in prayer. As you spend time in His Word, by the power of that Word, the Holy Spirit will separate you not only from sin, but also from the unnecessary things in life. He will impart to you the spiritual might and grace you need to obey the instructions in Ephesians 4:22-24. Those verses tell us that righteousness and holiness are two different things. Righteousness is the right-standing with God you gained when you were born again.
The only thing you did to be made righteous was to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life. Holiness is another matter. You are not made holy. Holiness is the result of your choices. It’s what you do with your time and your actions. It’s your conduct. It comes when you make a decision of your will to live according to the precepts of the Lord. In short, holiness is doing those things that please the Father. To be holy is to be “sanctified, and meet for the master’s use” (2 Timothy 2:21). Sanctified means “set apart.” Set apart from what? From the world! God wants us to be so caught up in spiritual things that we lose interest in carnal activities and pursue Him with all our hearts. According to Romans 12:1-2, being wholly dedicated to God is your reasonable service. God expects us all to live holy. He says, “Be ye holy; for I am holy” (1 Peter 1:16). When you see the power and glory of God start to flow in greater measure through you, you won’t regret you made those sacrifices. When you lay hands on a crippled person and see him made whole instantly, you’ll be glad you turned down that carnal movie your friends went to see. You may think I’m being overly dramatic, but I’m not. Those things are happening—not just at the hands of famous preachers or full-time ministers, but at the hands of everyday believers. They can happen in your life. Determine to be a part of it all. Make up your mind not to be sidelined by doing petty things that please yourself. Dedicate yourself wholly to the Father. Choose to live holy. Choose to live a life of power! Choose to live for God! Speak the Word “I strip myself of my former nature. I am constantly renewed in the spirit of my mind. I put on the new nature that is created in righteousness and true holiness.” —Ephesians 4:22-24, The Amplified Bible
Need prayer? Call 817-852-6000. We’re here for you, 24/7! Also, visit to receive a free gift from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Work Harder

This little devotional is soooo true! And the lies I have believed leave me in tears.
Yes, I may have done somethings wrong but thank heavens I have a loving God who has faith in me and understands when I miss the mark.
Thank You, Jesus for keeping me, and the continued work in my life and the life of others!
God Bless.
Work Harder!
by Kenneth Copeland
“Walk by faith, not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7 “We just need to get out of the way and let God work. After all, we can’t do anything anyway. He’s the One who is in control.” Have you ever heard anyone say things like that? I’m sure you have. In fact, if you’re like most of us, you’ve said them yourself. At the time, they probably sounded very good. Very religious. Very humble. But let me warn you, that kind of attitude can also be very dangerous. It can leave you sitting passively while the devil tears up everything around you. It can leave you in tears, begging God to fix a situation for you when He was saying all along, “Take care of it yourself! I’ll back you. I’ve given you My Name. I’ve given you My authority. I’ve given you My own faith. Now, use it!” Right now, especially, we must be on guard against such spiritual passivity, because we are on the edge of a great outpouring of God’s glory. It has already begun, and it will become much stronger. During times like these, even believers who know better can get lazy. They can look around them at the signs and wonders God is working and say, “I guess I don’t need faith anymore. It looks like God is taking care of everything Himself now.” Don’t make that mistake. Even though God is moving mightily in end-time manifestations, He still expects His people to walk by faith (2 Corinthians 5:7) and live by faith (Hebrews 10:38). Don’t get lazy just because the glory is here. Work harder! Spend more time in the Word and develop your faith to a greater measure than ever before. Then, as Smith Wigglesworth once said, stretch your faith as far as it will go, knowing that the Holy Ghost has nine manifestations of His own to add to it if you need them. Get yourself ready so that when someone falls to the floor under the healing gift of the Spirit, you’ll be there beside them with your Bible, helping them up and saying, “Now, friend, let me show you how to stay well.” We’ve come to the last of the last days. God’s schedule demands that He pour out His Spirit in great manifestations of power now. You’ll see them everywhere. In churches all over the world, the cloud of God’s glory will get so thick at times, the people won’t be able to see one another. God’s manifest presence will fall as rain—on the just and the unjust. It will fall on those who have learned to walk by faith and those who haven’t. But that rain will remain, not on those who are sitting passively waiting on God to take control, but on those who have dared to believe and behave as joint heirs of Jesus. It will abide on the household of faith! Speak the Word “I am just, and I live by faith.” —Hebrews 10:38
Need prayer? Call 817-852-6000. We’re here for you, 24/7! Also, visit to receive a free gift from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland.