Wednesday, September 20, 2017

I Trust In God, So Why Should I Be Afraid

I trust in the Lord about 80% of the time.

I hate the fact it's not one hundred percent but the fact remains I want to be in contol of everything and get upset when I am not.

I recently heard Joyce Myers say the main  reason we, Christian's don't trust God unconditionally is because we don't or think we haven't experienced God's goodness and love for us. We think He is going to let us down so we hold back.

Yep, that about wraps the trust issue up along with the words of this little devotional.

If we are going to make it in this world, we must step up our trust and lean not on our understanding for His ways are higher than ours.

God Bless.

I trust in God, so why should I be afraid? What can mere mortals do to me? (NLT) -Psalm 56:11 Trusting in God puts your heart at ease because you no longer have to worry. Placing your faith in Him relieves all doubt and uncertainty about the future. Do not be afraid of what other people may do. The effects of their actions are temporary in comparison to spending eternity with God.

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