Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Growing In The Grocery Store

I hate to go grocery the store. The reasons are numerous. The shoving, the rudeness, the disgust of getting the same old same old, not to mention my disgust of how much my final grocery bill.
As you can see, my patience is none and void in the supermarket. So when I came across this little devotional, I had to laugh when I began to read it.
But the meaning of what is trying to be conveyed is loud and clear.
Everyone can use some word's of wisdom when it comes to dealing in the area of patience.
We all have an area where patience isn't present but with the help of a loving God and little devotional's like these hope is within our grasp and our lives will become fuller, happier, and more meaningful.
God Bless.

Growing in the Grocery Store
by Gloria Copeland
“For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.” Hebrews 10:36
Contrary to what you might think, you don’t have to wait for a major trial to develop patience. We have wonderful opportunities in all those small but irritating situations we encounter every day. In fact, developing your patience a little at a time, in all those everyday situations, is what will build a foundation for you to stand on when major trials come. I ran into one such situation once in the grocery store. I was in a hurry, so I chose the express line. There were only a couple of people in line and they just had a few items to buy, so I didn’t think it would take long. But that clerk was so slow!
As my frustration mounted I thought, They ought to put a sign here that says “Slow-Motion Line”! What was that? An opportunity to exercise patience. Such opportunities are important, because when you exercise patience, it grows. If you’ll use it in small things, it will be strong enough to handle the bigger things when they come along. Every fruit of the spirit increases in you as you exercise it. Remember that the next time some little aggravation is about to make you lose your temper. Instead of saying, “I’ve had it,” say, “No, in Jesus’ Name, I choose to yield to the force of patience God has put within me. I believe I’ll just count this slow grocery line to be a joy and use it as an opportunity to grow!” Speak the Word “I let patience have her perfect work, that I may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.” —James 1:4
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