Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Crossing The Lie

Bearing false witness is a tricky and touchy subject. One might ask, how can we have a effective prayer chain without knowing what we are praying for?
Did you hear what happened to......this has to be the most popular sentence a Christian and non-Christian alike hear in a week. Surely, I can't be the only one.
There is nothing more important for a Christian to conquer and get a handle on to have a productive life, at least this is how I see things.
There is nothing written in stone where we need to be cruel, think less than someone. In fact, it is just the opposite. We are called to love not called to be nosey. Yep, I truely believe our noses are more of a guide and hindrance than our love and compassion.
Let us swallow are pride when our feelings get hurt and become warriors for God who are known not for being Pinocchio but son's and daughter's of the King of Kings who walk in love.
God Bless.
"You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor." (Exodus 20:16)
Bearing false witness takes many different forms. Gossip definitely counts, reporting a story to another according to your own views instead of strictly by facts counts as well. Forming false judgments about people privately is another example. Testifying about a situation in order to incriminate someone wrongfully is also bearing false witness. Lying to our children, spouse, or parents, is yet another example. Discontinuance of bearing false witness can be conquered through the strength of Jesus Christ, an adherence to personal penitence, and or the recognition of our personal struggles that cloud our judgment and perspective in a situation. Are you crossing the lie line?....Stay on the right side of the line.
Proverbs 31 Devotional App

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