Friday, September 8, 2017

Gratitude Beginnings

Gratitude. Something this world needs more of and to put into practice. I am just as guilty as the next person.
But I have wonder, if I got serious about living a life of thankfulness where my life would be; probably in better shape than where it is now.
Maybe, there is still hope for me and this world. Maybe all we need to do is begin today to live a life of gratitude is a mind change. And when the mind is change, the heart will be effected, which might just cause a world-wide revolution making this world a much better place for the future to come.
God Bless.

Scripture Reading: 1 Chronicles 16:7-36 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. - 1 Chronicles 16:34
This month we set our hearts on gratitude. Gratitude is good for us. Even science has proven it. The physician and researcher Hans Seyle, who extensively studied the negative effects of stress on humans, concluded that the best antidote to stress is gratitude. Of course, there’s much more to it than what science can name, because gratitude is rooted in God. Out of the groundswell of God’s goodness gratitude grows. In ancient Israel, King David’s whole being responded to God’s goodness. In this song of praise we see that David’s gratitude springs from God’s creational activity. Our first evidences of God’s goodness are in creation. David calls for the heavens to rejoice and the earth to be glad. He invites the sea to resound, the fields to be jubilant, and the trees of the forest to sing for joy. Why? Because the world is firmly established. In the beginning God acted with goodness in establishing this world, and God continues to sustain it by his costly grace. It’s been said that if the essence of God is goodness and grace, the essence of God’s people is gratitude. When we take time to recall God’s goodness and grace, our hearts tune in to the grateful melody all creation sings. So let’s join the sea and fields and trees today and sing for joy!
Prayer: Creator God, we lift our hearts to you in gratitude for this beautiful world you have made. Thank you for all you have done for us. We give thanks in the name of Jesus, through whom we have received grace upon grace. Amen.
Ruth Boven

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