Thursday, September 28, 2017

Don't Just Pretend To Love Others. Love Them.

I seem to be on a theme this week in my devotional's.  Or maybe it is just God's way of saying to me, I need to do a betrwr job at loving others.
I know this is an area I need to grow in and I thought I did until someone stole, okay maybe, took the last bag of Doritos right out of my hands. Okay, rather right off the shelve but I was goung for them and then she took them and had the audacity to give me a look and a smug smile.
I'll smile you, I thought as she went about her business.  The only person I seemed to be hurting was myself by being rude and disrespectful. How do I know if she was having a bad day or hurting in some other way? I never allowed myself to see her through God's eye's because I was to busy being selfish.
Now I realize I talk a good game when it comes to loving other's and I still need little devotional's like these to shine the light on the area's I need God's love, mercy, and grace. Shine on, light, shine on!
God Bless
Don't just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. (NLT) -Romans 12:9
No one likes a fake smile because of the insincerity associated with it. Nor does anyone like false love from a person. Love is such a profound form of affection that it should not be artificial. If you do not have genuine concern for someone then pray for God to soften your heart towards them.
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