Wednesday, September 6, 2017

I Don't Want To

When dealing with the sins in our lives we either acknowledge them and repent; acknowledge them and still go about our business without dealing with them; or all the above and still fall back into our same old habits later on.
Sin. The destoyer of lives and nations. God help us all and thank heavens he will!
God Bless.

I don't want to, but I do David's prayer today, when he said "keep your servant from deliberate sins" gives us a very important idea. Some sins we do do them deliberately, and we cannot fight them alone as David believes "they can control him".
We can see that all the times in our lives: A man who wants to love and be faithful to his wife, but ends up in an affair because something inside him is too powerful and controlling him. A woman who wants to honour her husband, but ends up gossiping about him to her friends because something inside her called emotion is controlling her. A young man/ woman who wants to stay pure until wedding day, but ends up committing sexual sins because something inside them called lust is controlling them. The examples can go on and on... and David was no excuse, I'm also no excuse.
That's why, only God can be bigger than them all! Only God, can be bigger that the sins controlling us. Only God, can be bigger than our emotion, lust and our weaknesses. Let's call on Him this morning, everyone everywhere needs God to be kept safe from deliberate sins. Whoever finds God, finds life.
-Author Unknown

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