Friday, November 30, 2018

Dealing With Offense To Live In Victory

This is a great little devotional. Offense and unforgiveness is a silent killer that has no problem sneaking up in our lives and take no prisoners.
But thankfully, we have a way to stop them in their tracks so we can show them to the door. Life is worth worth living and living life in victory is such a better way to live.
God Bless.
Dealing with Offense to Live in Victory
Jesus often spoke on forgiveness. He illustrated through parables, making people realize the importance of dealing with offense. He said that it is impossible for us not to be offended at some point or the other. The one who gets offended is in bondage and does not live in freedom. As soon as we are offended we should ‘nip it in the bud’.
Ephesians 4:26,27 commands us not to sin in our anger, or let the sun go down on our anger, nor give any place to the devil. Offense is the bait used by the enemy. It is like a seed that germinates, whose roots grow deeper. This leads to bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor and gossip. The deeper the root, the harder the hurt we have to deal with. Offense causes us to lose our peace and rest.
Anxious thoughts haunt us, as we think about the pain of the past, thereby not only hurting ourselves, but also hurting others. Studies have shown that many diseases, like gastritis and arthritis, are caused due to unforgiveness. When we are offended, we think only about ourselves and our needs, but when we don’t have offense we will always be a blessing to others. Therefore, whenever we are offended, instead of nursing the hurt and pain, we must look at Jesus and His work on the cross. Admit and tell God what you are going through, because He knows your heart. Then ask Him for help. It’s always good to position yourself in Christ. Know and believe who you are in Jesus. Dig into God’s Word and pray in the Spirit. Lastly, pray with someone and be healed of your hurt.
Prayer Heavenly Father, thank You for forgiving me from all my sins. Just as You forgave me, Lord, I forgive all those who have offended me and I ask You to bless them. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
-Author Unknown

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