Tuesday, November 20, 2018

God Blesses Me To Be A Blessing

My hope is that after reading this little devotional, there will be a fire start to burn within you to become a blessing to other's for what the world needs now is for everyone to love another by not accepting their sins but by showing them the way via any means God shows you.
God Bless.
God Blesses Me to be a Blessing

Today, more than ever, we see numerous people across the planet stuck in a cycle of debt. The lure of the latest gadgets, a fashionable wardrobe and a luxurious lifestyle has led men and women into debt traps. As they struggle to come out of debt, one of the first things they are taught is to purchase only according their needs, not their wants. But with God, the game changes! Jesus said, in Matthew 6:33, when we seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, all other things will be added to us.
Psalm 37:4 says, Take delight in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart. As we place God first and keep seeking Him, He takes care of everything else. The same God, who looks after the birds of the air and the flowers in the fields, knows our hearts before we can even ask Him for anything. He is the one who ensures that there is more than enough food on the table, clothes in your cupboard and creative ideas and strategies to put you at the top in your workplace. He ensures that you have enough for yourself and enough to bless others too. Yes, there are times when money is scarce and our needs are high. But God is faithful and He always comes through! He doesn’t give you just enough for your current needs, but ensures that you have more than enough to be a blessing to others.
Declaration God satisfies every want and every need of mine, so that I am blessed, and so that I can be a blessing to many others.
-Author Unknown

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