Thursday, November 8, 2018

In Due Time

I love this little devotional. Sure this is meant for mom's but I think this could be for everyone who is in need of a word from God.
Believe you me, I am almost in need of one to help me get through a day. So, when I came across this little devotional, it struck a cord in me and I wanted to spread the wealth.
God Bless.

In Due Time
As a mom, do you ever feel like life is passing you by? Like there is a big world out there, but you are stuck in your four walls surrounded by children, laundry, cleaning, etc. Do you feel there is nothing exciting going on in your world? Take heart! God has not forgotten you. God will take care of you now, and He will lift you up in due time. The problem for most moms is the phrase, “Due Time.” Mom’s think, “I don’t want to wait for God’s due time.” But, that’s where humbling ourselves comes into the picture.   If we humble ourselves by putting our children first, serving them, nurturing them and teaching them, then God will lift you up in due time. It will be worth the wait. We only get one chance in raising our children and we have a limited amount of time. If you look to the Lord and ask Him to get you through these hard days, He will bring you to the other side. Who knows how He will lift you up in due time? Only God knows, but it’s His promise and He will fulfill it.  Prayer Father, give me patience to wait on You and Your “due time”.
God, open my eyes to the importance of my job as a mom and help me not to want to shove all my mom responsibilities to the side and run ahead to meet all my needs. Fill my needs up with Your love, Your joy, and Your contentment. I humble myself before You today. 
-Author Unknown

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