Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Speak Life

Life. I was always told that it's what YOU make it.
If I am being completely honest here, there has been times when I haven't made the best of what life has had to offer.
In fact, I am usually leaning heavily on the negative side holding on for dear life. Maybe it is time to change it up a little bit and trying something new by doing what this little devotional say's and see how that works out for me.
Yeah I'm game. Time for a change and live my best life.
God Bless
Speak Life!
Scripture warns us not to allow any unwholesome talk to come out of our mouths. The dictionary definition of ‘unwholesome’ is ‘detrimental to physical, mental, or moral well-being’. Hurtful talk is just one thing that can be categorized as ‘unwholesome’. We often say things, even in jest, that are likely to hurt people around us, but the Bible warns us to stay away from conversation that is unwholesome. There are numerous instances where Jesus conversed with other people. In each situation, He used that moment to heal people, teach them biblical truths or to correct them, if they had made mistakes. Everything He did and said was useful to people and was exactly what they needed at that moment. Jesus set the perfect example for us. Every interaction with another person should be used as an opportunity to encourage them and to speak words of comfort, life and victory, rather than words of defeat into their lives. Why is it so important for us to indulge in wholesome conversation? It demonstrates the same love that Jesus had for people. When we speak encouraging and beneficial words with other people, they will automatically be drawn toward us, giving us a perfect opportunity to share the love of Jesus with them.
Displaying this love is a biblical commandment, as seen in John 13:34 (NIV), “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” The next time you think of saying something hurtful or upsetting, take a moment and consider whether your words will show others the love of Jesus.
Prayer Father, help me as I interact with people around me. Let me only speak words of life and encouragement into their lives that I may demonstrate Your love towards them. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
-Author Unknown

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