Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Invite Jesus Into Your Marriage

This is such a great insight into how to make a marriage better yet, any kind of relationship work.
When it's all said and done in a day, Jesus is the way for any and all problems.
God Bless.
Invite Jesus Into Your Marriage
A wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus' mother was there, and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. - John 2:1-2, NIV
Jesus accepted the invitation to a wedding! Have you invited Jesus to participate in your marriage? Marriage was His idea. He gave the basic ground rules for it. He knows how it works best. And He longs to be invited to come into yours. Danny and I invited Jesus to come to our wedding from the first moment we were engaged. In fact, inscribed inside each of our wedding bands is a triangle that signified there are three of us in this relationship. God is at the apex, Danny and I at the lower corners. Our commitment was that as we grew closer to God individually, we would also draw closer to each other. If you need a miracle in your marriage, start by inviting Jesus into the relationship. You will be blessed, not only by your increased awareness of His Presence, but also by the knowledge that He is there when unexpected problems and crises arise.
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