Friday, May 15, 2015

A Great Nation

Most of us think what makes a great nation is the country, the leaders, and the history.

But this little devotional sets out to prick your mind and maybe speak to your heart as to change the way you see things.

Maybe what makes up a great nation isn't the country it's self or it's leaders, or even the history but in the people. Indeed it is. If it wasn't for the sacrifies of people and their believes in their cause, United States wouldn't be a great nation, it would just be land.

Maybe it's time we change our thinking and become a great nation again by going back to what worked before!

God Bless.

I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you and make you famous, and you will be a blessing to others. (NLT) -Genesis 12:2

This passage gives us great insight into God view's on blessings. He blesses people and gives them a position of influence so they can share their blessings to others.

He blesses us to show us His love for us and so that we can share His love to others. We often think that blessings are for our exclusive use, but that is not the case. Our selfish inclinations keep us from blessing others, but is there anything we can do to combat that?

 It could be as simple as bringing a friend along when you use a gift card. Or as extravagant as selling your treasures to benefit a needy family.

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