Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Abide In His Love

I am finding all kinds of devotionals in my folder that I can believe I've hidden away. One again, I'm not sure where I found this one but for me, it's another one I need to cling on to.

I need to abide in His love today and in the days to come. I so need to know I'm love. I need to understand more about His love. I need to accept His love. I need to pass on His love to others and this little devotional will set me on my way.

Hope you will as much as I did out of it.

God Bless.

Abide in His Love

First John 4:16 emphasizes that we need to be conscious of the love God has for us. It's easy for us to say 'God loves me' without really understanding what we're saying. The knowledge of His love should not be some biblical fact to which we mentally assent but a living reality in our lives.

"God is love, and he who dwells and continues in love dwells and continues in God, and God dwells and continues in him."

The word dwell in this verse means 'to abide, to live in.' It does not refer to visiting; it refers to staying or remaining.

God's love isn't just a fact to memorize or a fleeting feeling. His love is here to stay. God's love doesn't just stay in the good times and leave when things are bad. God's love always remains, so we should remain in His love.

Each of us can reap a greater harvest of Christian maturity when we press into God's love. You will grow in difficult times when you abide in the amazing love God has for you.

Prayer Starter: Lord, I purpose today to abide in the love You have for me. So many things change, but Your love never leaves, so I choose to stay rooted in Your amazing love.

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