Wednesday, May 27, 2015

When You Pray For Your Friends

This devotional has helped me to think in a new way of how to pray for my friends.

We need to pray for people, to do that, maybe we should see them as friends instead of unknown people.

If we did that, who knows where this world might be. But for now and in the future, let's make a pact to pray for our friends!

God Bless!

When You Pray For Your Friends

    “And the LORD turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends: also the LORD gave Job twice as much as he had before” Job 42:10.
Pray for her. Yes, she didn’t respond the way you wanted her to respond. She wasn’t considerate of your pain and that hurt. Pray for him. Yes, you gave him your heart, and he walked all over it. He didn’t do everything he promised. Pray for them. They loved you when you had something to give them, but now they seem to get some sick pleasure out of seeing you no longer on top and successful like you used to be.
Pray for every friend in your life, both old and new. For where God is taking you, you can’t afford to have bitterness and resentment in your heart toward anyone.
When Job prayed for his friends, the Lord turned his situation around. God gave him twice as much wealth as he had before. It is the Lord that will turn things around for you when you wise up and do what big girls do. As you pray, God will bless you richly with a release and will turn things around for you.
Prayer: Father God, I pray You help me with this. I’ve been disappointed by people who I considered my friends, and now I bring my heart to You. Heal me God and help me pray for them from a right place. With the faith and love of Jesus, I forgive them. I ask that You bless them Lord with Your mercy and grace. Give every friend in my life, old and new, a heart to know You more. Protect their families and place them in Your perfect will for their lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Daughters of the King

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