Friday, May 22, 2015

Build An Altar

I sometimes forget God's faithfulness because my emotions get the better of me.

I always want to find God faithful. I always want to be remembered of God's faithfulness.

And I don't always want to stay where I am at in my walk with God. I want to keep moving and growing towards living the life God intended.

So when I came across this little devotional, I was encouraged and given an incentive to build an altar to God for His faithfulness and so much more!

God Bless!

Build my altar wherever I cause my name to be remembered, and I will come to you and bless you. (NLT) -Exodus 20:24

We can recall the times of God's faithfulness to us when we think back and count our blessings such as remission from cancer, a job transition, or the birth of a child. However, we can go a step further and proactively remind ourselves of His goodness.

Have you ever built an altar to remind you of who God is and what He has done for you? Could you imagine walking through your home seeing a stone written with words commemorating each time God proved faithful?

It is a proactive, physical way to jog your memory of God's faithfulness. When difficult times come, all you need to do is look around to see God's blessings you've long forgotten!

Download this app to get your daily devotions:

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