Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The Lord Is Your Strength

I am not sure where I found this devotional, it was tucked into a folder on my computer and I came across it today. I don't know about you, but I sure need the words of this devotional not only today, but every day.

I truly want to walk in this life knowing where my strength comes from. I want to radiate it from the mountain tops and pass my hope off to others. I want to be so caught up in knowing God is my strength that nothing that comes against me will change my mind.

I hate the constant mind battle. It's the oldest battle in the world and I give it power everyday. However, little by little, I see I am busting through those battle lines and see a victory in my future. My hope and prayer is this little devotional with give you the strength and the courage to know where your hope lies in.

God Bless.

The Lord Is Your Strength

We must realize that part of Satan's plan for end-time believers is to make us weary. Daniel 7:25 gives a vivid description of a vision the prophet Daniel received regarding the last days: "And he 'shall wear out the saints of the Most High'" (AMP).

But God wants you to be encouraged. Romans 8:37 (AMP) gives Christians this good news: "Yet amid all these things we are more than conquerors and gain a surpassing victory through Him Who loved us." 'More than conquerors' means that before trouble ever starts, we already know who wins. I like that, don't you?
We can purpose in our hearts to maintain such an intimate relationship with God through prayer and His Word that we are constantly being strengthened by the power of His promises. Intimacy with God produces strong Christians who can outlast the devil!

Live your life totally confident in God's strength and have no fear of the trials that can produce weary warriors and fainting saints. Remain strong 'in Him' and in the power of His might.

Prayer Starter: God, You alone are my strength. I won't let Satan make me a weary Christian, but I'll remain strong in my intimacy with You.

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