Thursday, October 22, 2015

Faith That Works

Let's be honest, with the world like it is, we need hope. Something that we can grab a hold of and lean on during these times. 

Let's get real honest, we need more than a normal faith, we need something that will move a mountain. Like the devotional title says, we need faith that works! 

People are looking and are in need of people who can move the mountains and will not be shaken in these tough times.

I need faith that works. Sometimes I think I need it more than air. I want to see the signs and wonders of God and yes, I know He needs someone that He can move through and I'm working on making sure I'm apart of that group.

So I am thankful for this little devotional to have something to hold on to and one day, I'm going to move a mountain.

God Bless.

Faith that Works

October 23

"If you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move."Matthew 17:20, NKJV

Are you discouraged because you have not received “anything from the Lord” as it relates to your prayer life?

When Jesus’ disciples were discouraged by their inability to get answers to prayer and so were ineffective in helping others, He encouraged them by pointing out that even faith the size of a mustard seed could move mountains. The key to faith that works is the foundation on which it is placed.

Base your faith in prayer on God’s Word. Ask Him to give you a promise that applies specifically to your situation. Then claim it persistently in prayer until God keeps His Word.

                                                                      From: Why?

Anne Graham Lotz - Angel Ministries

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