Friday, October 23, 2015

You Are Being Deeply Rooted

When I first read the title of this devotional I thought, deeply rooted? Yeah, that's like going to be like going through a potter's fire and I don't like or want any part of it. I've been though it enough, thank you. 

I almost skipped over this devotional but I stuck with it and I'm so glad I did. After reading the devotional, I want to be deeply rooted. Rooted in the things of God. I want to know who I am, where I can go, and the lives I can and will change. 

So if the potter's fire is where I have to be or I am in it right now, well okay. Let's bring it and change the world while we are at it!

God Bless.

You are being deeply rooted.

“As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving” Colossians 2:6-7(NKJV).

Even though we are rooted and grounded in our knowledge of God, the enemy stops at nothing to try to uproot us. He quickly finds, however, that it is not an easy task. Deep down there are things that we know. 

Deep down we know there is a God and that He loves us. Deep down we know that He will never leave us nor forsake us. Deep down we know that He has chosen us for His divine purposes and plans. Deep down we know that we are redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus and have been made new. This is what being rooted and grounded means—holding on with everything we have to what we know deep down.

It doesn’t matter what the enemy is trying to do, all that matters is what Jesus has already done on the cross!
Let us not uproot and give up! We must hold on and become even more rooted and grounded, and fully convinced of God’s love. We must let His words permeate our heart and soul to the very core of who we are. When we do this, we will see that the enemy will not be able to win in our lives. Through Jesus Christ, we are victorious! We are overcomers! We are champions! God is greater than anything we will ever face in this life and with His help we can do all things!

Prayer: Father God, I know You are with me and that You love me. I know You are bigger than anything I’m facing right now. I ask that you help me stay rooted and grounded in my knowledge of You. Show up and show out as I plant my feet in Your word and refuse to listen to the devil! In the name of Jesus! Be glorified in me Father and show everyone around me that You are my God! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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