Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Living Life To The Fullest

When I think of living life to the fullest, I choke down a laugh. I barely get through one day let alone allow myself to think there is something more to life. 

Yet, something inside me cry's and yearns for something other than the life I'm living now. 

This little devotional speaks to my very soul and draws the hope I have hidden deep within me out. And I cling to it like I need to breathe. 

So with that being said, let's begin again living life to the fullest!

God Bless.

By George Vinkon 
Scripture Reading: Proverbs 8:32-36 

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” - John 10:10
It’s time to listen to Jesus. God is not a spoilsport, eager to make our lives dull or dismal. His Son came to restore what was destroyed, to give life instead of death. Christ’s message is the message of wisdom personified. We are called to live in harmony with the Creator and his creation. The Lord promises his blessings to those who keep Wisdom’s ways. It’s a matter of listening to Wisdom’s instruction, being wise, and obeying the life teachings presented. Lady Wisdom promises life and favor from the Lord. She anticipates Jesus’ promise of life “to the full.” Life as God intended it for his children is the life of dreams fulfilled, promises kept, and relationships enjoyed. It’s the life of doing what’s right and being a blessing to others, showing God’s love in all we do. Full life builds community
Lord, give us eyes of wisdom to see your design for the full life of loving, caring, and enjoying your favor. Empower us with your Spirit, we pray, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
George Vink

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