Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The Room

Do you long for Jesus to show up at your church? I do. I wonder what that might be like. I'm sure it wouldn't be anything like it is today. 

When I think about it, I wonder if people would fall on their faces and repent or would they, including me, would I flee to the nearest exit.

Yeah, you could say I'm a dreamer and I'm all tough and spiritual but if I saw Jesus in the flesh, I have no doubt I would be shaking in my boots. Shoot, I shake now at the thought He might seep into the cranks and want to do something dramatic and change up my life. I have to admit it, I may complain about it, but I like how my life is and I don't relish the thought of it changing. 

But I'm a dreamer and my dream is that one day, I will be strong enough to allow Jesus into my life but also in to my church and when He finally does show up, I would be one of the ones who would fall on their faces with a welcoming smile, and allow Him to have His way.

God Bless

The room remained dark, except for the brief moment when a latecomer opened the back door, ushering in light. From my view-point, that light was a brilliant flash blocking out the face of the person entering. 

Occasionally I daydreamed that the latecomer was Jesus.

I pictured Him walking down the aisle. He looked around and walked slowly toward the front, finally reaching the steps below me and then ascending them. At the top of the stage, He turned to receive the worship being offered Him.

Sometimes I desperately long to see Jesus walk into my church. Can you imagine what would happen? People would grab their friends with diseases and run toward Him. Parents would carry their hurting children to Him. Those with addictions, emotional hurts and illnesses would stretch out their hands just to touch Him. Others would drop to their knees in adoration.

Unfortunately, many times I'm simply hoping that Jesus will "show up". As if He might be too busy to stop by my church. Yet by Jesus' very own words, He is already there. Jesus said, "For where two or three gather in 
My Name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20).

My daydream is a reality. Jesus is the sanctuary every time we gather with other believers. We need that truth to soak into our hearts.

The same Jesus who healed the blind man and raised the dead has come to our churches this week.
* * *

Author Unknown

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