Monday, October 26, 2015

The Genesis Record

I have always been fascinated with the life of Enoch. How can someone who walked during that period walked so close to God that God actually took noticed and took him to be with Him in heaven. Amazing! Truly that story is amazing! 

When it comes down to it, the story of Enoch isn't that difficult to understand. The difficulty of the story is it's plain and simple. So simple that sometimes we have passed by it and look for a more diffuclt point of the story.  

Enoch was a man of faith. A faith that was unshakable, unmovable, and uncontainable. I can tell you I want that kind of faith but the truth of the matter is I have the faith Enoch had in me. Jesus paid for it and if I don't start using it and believing in it, I'm slapping Jesus in the face and telling Him that what He did and paid for isn't good enough.

I don't want to be that person. I want to be an Enoch and with the faith to shake a nation. 

God Bless.

The Genesis record concerning Enoch should speak to us of our own troubled times, for that is the purpose of the Word of God. It should be our concern that we hear and that we obey! 

The faith and deportment of the man Enoch compose a vivid picture of a powerful object lesson to encourage every believer in his or her faith. There is only one conclusion to be drawn—

Enoch was translated into the presence of God because of his faith, and thus he escaped death! 

It is my strong conviction that Enoch’s experience of translation is a type, or preview, of the coming rapture of the Church, the Bride of Christ, described in the Scriptures. It is evident that there was no funeral for Enoch. 

Perhaps members of his family did not fully understand his walk with God, but they could answer with the facts! “He is gone! We thought he was extreme in his beliefs but now he is gone, and we are still here in a troubled world!”

Author Unkown

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