Friday, October 30, 2015

You Are On God's Mind

I don't know about you, but about half of the time I'm awake, I wonder if I cross God's mind and if He truly see' s what I'm going through. Because most of the time, this isn't the life I wanted for myself. If someone would have said, Jan, you will be here at this point in your life going through the stuff I'm going through, I might have slapped someone. 

I'm a dreamer and my dreams seem far fetch and far away. So, when I came across this little devotional it helped put my perspective back where it needed to be. More focus on God and what He did for me and less of who I what to be. 

God Bless.

You Are On God’s Mind

I will not forget you. See, I have inscribed

you on the palms of My hands.Isaiah 49:15-16, NKJV
Noah was totally helpless to change his situation. There was nothing he could do except to stay on the ark and tend to the needs of his family and those of the animals until God in some way brought deliverance. He had to keep his faith in God while simply waiting out the silence that followed the storm.
Although He had been silent, God had not forgotten Noah. In fact, since Noah and his family were the only living persons on the face of the earth, we can be sure they had God’s total, undivided attention every moment.
Do you think God’s silence in your life means He has forgotten you? Oh, no! God says He has engraved your name on the palms of His hands. He says that a mother could forget her nursing baby at mealtime before He could forget you! You are in God’s heart and on His mind every moment. He is fully informed of your circumstances and will bring about change when He knows the time is right.
From God's Story

Anne Graham Lotz

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