Thursday, November 30, 2017

For Everything There Is A Season

If you are anything like me, there are times I wonder about God's timing. It never seems to match my own and that can get me very frustrated.
My frustration, is of my own making of course and I am so thankful I have a Savior who understands what I am feeling and why.
Often times, I run across a little devotional to help set me on the upright path and yes, I have grown, and my maturity level dealing with God's timing has changed from a baby to a toddler who still has s need for encouragement from her heavenly Father like this little devotional below.
Word's noted, Lord, and thank you for caring not only for me but also for any and all who will read this.
God Bless.

For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. (NLT) -Ecclesiastes 3:1
Sometime's bad things happen to good people. But how do you make peace with this thought, especially when you are fighting back anger, hurt, betrayal, or loneliness? It's important to realize God has perfect timing, even when we can't understand it. Without placing your faith in His timing, you leave room for resentment, despair, and rebellion. When you can't see the work God is doing through tragedy, remain faithful in knowing God's timing is perfect.
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Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Quote Of The Day To Stenghten You

The Father. He is so good for you and to you.
Let us all take this quote to heart and run as fast as we can to His loving arms.  And lest we forget all that He has done for us.
He is not mad but loves us so.
Thank you, Heavenly Father. And now may we live in the light of knowing just how good He is.
God Bless.
Quote of the Day -Joyce Meyer “Why wouldn’t we run to God. He’s sooo good. God’s not mad at anybody. He just wants to help us be the best that we can be.” 
– Joyce Meyer

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Quote Of The Day To Encourage You

Amen. Wisdom is something I feel everyone doesn't have enough of or if we think we do, we fail to live by what we know is right because compromise is so kuch easier to do.
The word says to in all thing's get wisdom. It has a purpose and more powerful than what we give it credit for.
If we wonder if we did the right thing's at any given time, well then, just remember the words of this quote and relax in the knowledge we were lead by the spirit.
Often times, we are led by the mind which limits what God can do for us and I for one am tired of living a mediocre life because I have allowed my head to rule over my heart.
Forgive me, Lord and like Solmon, may my heart and life reflect the goodness of Your  wisdom today and in the day's to come.
God Bless.
Quote of the Day -Joyce Meyer “Wisdom is doing now what you are going to be happy with later on” 
– Joyce Meyer

Monday, November 27, 2017

Thankfulness Is A Funny Thing

As we finish up Thanksgiving, may it is time to give once last look at thankfulness and who truly deserves our gratitude.
And I couldnt think of a better way to put  into words what my heart is trying to say about this subject than this little devotional say's on this subject.
May it speak to your heart as it has done to mine.
God Bless.
Thankfulness is a funny thing. It seems so easy on the surface. It’s something we teach children to do. And yet, we still struggle with the concept living a life of gratitude. And not just to each other. The person who we struggle being grateful to the most is easily the person we should be the most grateful to, God. 1 Chronicles 16:34-35 Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever. Cry out, “Save us, O God of our salvation! Gather and rescue us from among the nations, so we can thank your holy name and rejoice and praise you.” Living a life of gratitude has to start with God. He’s the one who created us. Gave us breath. Sustains us now. How can we not be grateful?
7 Day's Of Thanksgiving Devotional

Friday, November 24, 2017

Accept One Another

If you know me, I have a rejection problem. And I seem to have lived some of these things written below and my confidence has taken a major hit because if it.
But I am growing. Growing in my identity of who I am. I AM a child of the living God and no matter what I have been through in life, He love's me.
And I am determined to take my hurts in life, share it, and pray no one else has to live it.
I might not have it right; I might not do it right; but I must do it not for myself but for the glory God. For He is worthy and when I glorify Him, just maybe, my life would be so full of who He is that it would radiate to others and even my shadow will stand at attention with His glory. Yes, dreaming big here but it will be so worth it!
God Bless.
Scripture Reading: Romans 15:1-13 Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God. - Romans 15:7
Have you ever felt rejected when you wanted to belong? It can be very hurtful. God made us to be in relationship with one another. That’s why the Heidelberg Catechism’s answer to “What is your only comfort in life and in death?” is so powerful: “That I am not my own, but belong—body and soul, in life and in death—to my faithful Savior, Jesus Christ.” We desire acceptance and relationship. It’s comforting to know Christ has accepted us.
And by accepting one another as Christ did, we honor God. But how well do we do at accepting one another? How well do we mirror Christ’s love and acceptance? We know that we are called to become more like Jesus. But so often we build walls instead of breaking them down. And that’s not Christlike. God’s Word leaves no room for superiority thinking. Believers are called to be accepting of one another with the standard set by Christ himself, realizing that there are the weak and the strong, the strugglers and the achievers. In our churches and our relationships, we’ve got to make sure that people experience acceptance. We show this by including them and accepting them as they are. Accepting includes making others feel they belong. Those who confess “I belong to Jesus” know that they have been accepted by Christ. Will you accept them too?
Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for accepting us as sisters and brothers. We’re so glad to belong to you. Help us to welcome others into the same relationship, to your glory.
George Vink

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Look What Has Come To The World

Truth on this Thanksgiving day!
We need more truth, light, love, and Christian action in this world.
We are on borrowed time. God has given as a reprieve and a window to get oursleves together and share the hope we have within us.
So on this Thanksgiving day, not only should we give thanks but begin to change our thinking as to what and who has come to the world and His reason why.
Then rejoice and be thankful for He is not dead and His movement is not dead!
God Bless.

"Look What Has Come to the World!"
Carl F. H. Henry stated, “The early Christians did not exclaim, ‘What has the world come to?’ Rather they proclaimed, 'Look what has come to the world!’”
This is a fundamentally different way of thinking and acting as a Christian. Instead of focusing so much on the negative, we are called to focus on the glory of the gospel and how Christ is still moving in the world today. Focusing on the good will make us much more influential in culture. Christians have become known more for what they are against than what they are for. This is a problem, because we are not influential as Christians when we preach against the bad in culture.
We are influential when we preach the good in Christ. Scripture calls us to focus on what is true, lovely, noble, and of good report (Phil. 4:8 NKJV). Psalm 33:5 tells us, “The Lord loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of his unfailing love.” It’s important we realize that even though we encounter much pain and evil in our time on earth, it’s just as important to recognize the earth is also full of the love, mercy, and goodness of God. Some people only see the bad, and that can be incredibly disheartening. While the early Christians challenged problems in the church, their consistent message was, “The gospel is bearing fruit and growing throughout the whole world” (Col. 1:6). And this gospel is still growing and bearing fruit all over the world today.
Christians lose influence in our culture when we get sidetracked by secondary issues. When, and only when, we get back to the goodness, hope, joy, and love in the gospel and how God is using that gospel in the lives of people all around us will we have a powerful antidote for the deepest pains of our culture.
-Author Unknown

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Thankful For Your Spouse

Although this devotional I saved a while back ago, I came acrossed it and being the week of thanksgiving, and being married and my husband works his butt off, there are times I feel as if he doesn't get enough credit.
So, I want to change that. I have the best husband and I want eveyone to know it. And it is my hope through this little devotional, that everyone will see their spouse in a diffent way and begin a spouse appreciation revolution.
And that revolution begins with me here and now....I am sooooooooo thankful for my spouse.
God Bless.

For the past five days we have been reminded of God’s goodness and all we can be thankful for as believers in the Body of Christ. We cannot help but grow tremendously thankful for all the blessings He has gifted to us. Today we offer up thanks to the Lord for our Spouse.
The Lord saw that man was lonely and established a partnership by providing a partner, a woman, a wife. The two would leave father and mother to join as one. What a gift from God, marriage! What a challenge and heart break some may also feel. For a little while, look for the blessing through the happy and heart break, and allow the Holy Spirit to illuminate all the ways your spouse has blessed your life, is blessing your life, or you believe will bless your life. Better yet, allow God to reveal to you how HE was blessing your life through that of your spouse.
Likely, many a memory comes to mind. A memento to commit to memory and offer up thanks to the Lord for His goodness. If a marriage was absolved or lost due to passing, be encouraged to seek the silver lining. Was there at least one thing (there must be several if we allow the heart to be softened and the mind to be opened) the Lord was able to bless you by, as a result of your unity?
Give thanks to the Lord for your spouse, present or lost, and pray for them, ask God to help them. Ask God to help you be a spouse that draws them closer to, and in a deeper relationship with, Jesus. Today, be encouraged to share with your spouse why you are thankful to God for them.
-Author Unknown

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

As Thanksgiving Day Approaches

This little devotional is so good! Not much  more needs to be said. Only He reigns and     a Happy Thanksgiving to one and all.
Enjoy and God Bless.
As Thanksgiving Day approaches many are pondering all they are grateful and thankful for. Both Thanksgiving and thankful hashtags will be attached to millions of images for the social media to peruse.
But there is one image I pray is at the forefront of many of our minds as we approach Thanksgiving: Christ, the Savior of the world, dying for you and me, creating a way. A way for us to not only lay hold of the promise of Heaven after our earthly journey is over, but a way for us to usher in God’s Kingdom here on earth. Because of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice, we certainly can proclaim the greatness of the Lord and let the WHOLE WORLD know what He has done!
In fact, be challenged to take a moment today and reflect on ALL the Lord has done in your life. Once you’ve spent a few minutes there, take a few more minutes to ponder how what He has done in YOUR life had a positive impact on the lives of those around you. Then, share with others and live 1 Chronicles 16:8 out, letting your whole world know what He has done.
Finally, go to the Lord with praises and prayer. Seeking nothing other than to let Him know how thankful you are for all He is done, all He is doing, and all He will do – with an alert mind and a thankful heart!
12 Day's Of Thanksgiving Devotional

Monday, November 20, 2017

I Know All Things You Do

I'll admit it, most day's, I feel like I am living life of lukewarmness.
I am busy like everone else and I have a tendency to use my busyness as an excuse.
So when I read this little devotional, conviction was immediate. Not only do I rarely think of impacting the kingdom of God but to to say I have passion for Christ would be a blatant lie.
Lie to myself and God everyday when I say I love you, Lord, use me.
I would literally fall off my chair if God would do just that. I think the reason I am like I am is because I allow fear to be at the center of my life and with that being said,  God help me.
God Bless.

"I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish that you were one or the other! But since you are lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth!" (NLT) -Revelation 3:15-16 What does it look like to be on fire for Christ? Does God see your faith as hot or cold, or worse, lukewarm? Are you thinking of ways you can impact God's kingdom? Is your day filled with busyness or is it filled with purposefulness? Maybe it's time to infuse some passion today.
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Friday, November 17, 2017

O Lord, You Have Examined My Heart And Know

As we near Thanksgiving, I need to get into into the thankful mindset instead of thinking about all the things I have to do to get ready to serve a family meal.
When I think about the word's written in this devotional, a revelation came to me about how I need to be mindful of what
God is doing, has been doing, and will do.
It's obvious, I don't do enough of it and I have only myself to blame.
So today, and in the day's to come may my heart's prayer become Psalm 139:1. Not for selfish reason's but because I want more of God and I want to know Him more like He knows me.
I want to know His likes and dislikes. I want to know what melts His heart. I want to open myself to whatever He wants to do with my life. I want freedom in the Lord and I don't want to hide away because He is dealing with what is going on in my life. I want to be thankful that He cares about me and in's and out's of my life.
So in the end, I live a life of gratitude. What a life it would be...freedom in who I am and whom I serve, and the life I will live after He is done with me.
God Bless.
O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. (NLT) -Psalm 139:1
The Lord is very familiar with us and who we are. He knows our likes, disgraces, and even our triumphs. There's no use hiding from God. It's impossible to hide or deceive Him, He already knows our thoughts. Even if you are fearful of rejection, rest affirmed, He loves you too much. He still accepts you, no matter what you have buried deep in your heart.
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Thursday, November 16, 2017

Dare To Step Out

I always was taught that if God wanted you to step out, He would show you and then you will know for sure.
Yet somehow, I always believed deep down that couldn't be true. I mean what do you do with the scripture when Jesus talks about going out to the world?
So, when I read this little devotional, I began to think I may have been on the right trail after all.
So maybe it is time we stop looking for man's idea of doing things and do what the word tells us and go forth.
God Bless.

Dare to Step Out
by Gloria Copeland
“Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you.” 1 Peter 5:6 God can take the most simple person in the world who will dare to believe what is written in the Word, and empower him to do any job he is called to do.
I know this because God did that for me. The reason I’m so blessed today is because I am so simple that I believe God is smarter than I am. When I see something in the Bible that doesn’t agree with what I think, I change what I think and believe the Word of God. Jesus admonished us to come as little children. So do that. Humble yourself and just take the Word as it is written. If God says you’ll do the works, don’t argue, just agree with Him and get busy! Say, “Father, Jesus said, ‘He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also’ (John 14:12). I don’t know how to do the works, but Your Word says I will. So I place myself at Your disposal. I expect to do the works that Jesus did!” Then step out boldly and act on your faith. The bolder we are, the more power can be released through us. Did you know that? It’s when we hesitate and are afraid of what people might think that nothing happens. So make up your mind now to be bold—whether you want to or not. That’s how it works. But you have to take the first step. Do what the Bible says to do whether you feel like it or not. That’s called acting on the Word! And that’s called faith!
Speak the Word “I humble myself under the mighty hand of God so that He may exalt me.” —1 Peter 5:6 Need prayer? Call 817-852-6000. We’re here for you, 24/7! Also, visit to receive a free gift from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Heaven Touching Earth

All I can say about this little devotional is PREACH it.
Then meditate on it.
Then do it.
Then live by it today and in the day's to come and just maybe, our lives will change, peace will rule, and a world will be changed.
It's do-able!
God Bless.
"Heaven Touching Earth (Prayer Movements)"
When you read about him in the Bible, you see that Daniel’s whole life was defined by prayer. After reading the book of Daniel again recently, the thought I took away was that Daniel knew how to get serious with God, and so God took him seriously. Daniel didn’t just pray a little bit; he prayed “through” until God clearly responded. There are various instances of God’s response to Daniel’s praying. In Daniel 9, he prays and God answers immediately. But in Daniel 10, he prays daily for three weeks for one specific need. Finally, an angel of the Lord shows up and tells him that the answer was given immediately, but angels were warring in the heavenlies until that moment of breakthrough. One of my facebook friends wrote on my wall in response to my post: “When angels come and tell you they’re sorry it took so long, you know you’re doing something right.” Mark Batterson has said: “We need to stop praying ASAP prayers and start praying ALAIT prayers” (as long as it takes).
This is the kind of praying that captures the heart of God, and instills awakening within our souls. Sometimes we need to keep on praying until God moves.
-Awakening, Mark Brown

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

On Earth As It Is In Heaven

I love the concept of this litttle devotional.
I believe if we want to see Heaven on earth, then we must get.the mentality it isn't about us at all butnabout others and how we treat them and how we make others feel.
I believe the reason why some people are dead set against getting rid of Christian values is because they got hurt either by some one of the faith or they think God doesn't love them because He didn't seem to answer their prayers (which is furthest thing from the truth.)
And there is so much truth in this little devotional but I see the problem is we are not keeping up our end of the bargin and God help us. We need to love people in such a way it will open doors for the Holy Spirit to correct in such a way that not only will make condemnation a thing of the past but will bring about the next move of God and I want to be apart of that move with everything in me.
God Bless.
"On Earth as It Is in Heaven (Justice Movements)"
Isaiah reminds us that God isn’t interested in our spirituality or our church attendance if it is not backed up by treating others right. The church has always been one of the greatest forces for good on the planet, and it continues to hold that kind of potential within its ranks. As we, empowered by God’s Spirit move from our church pews and respond to the truths of Scripture, we can change the world. Some would say it’s great when governments get behind us, and society as a whole picks up on the values of the Bible, but history shows us God has always used his Church whether or not the culture follows. Revival and awakening often occur outside the halls of power or without the popular newspapers of our day taking notice, and that’s just fine. What God can do through one person completely sold out to him is more important than that. We don’t need to wait for the right president, or the right congressmen, or the right media environment to pick up the cause of justice before we decide to do what is right in our own neighborhood, down the street, and on the other side of the world.
The person who follows Christ sees a need and fills it. God has done too much inside of us for us to stay silent or spend all our time protesting—we want to actually do something to make a difference. God didn’t do all that he has done inside of us so we could sit and coast through this life. He wants to bring this life through us to others.
-Awaking, Matt Brown

Monday, November 13, 2017

Confess Your Sin To Each Other

The title of this is a little deceiving but it is worth reading the devotional all the way through.
This little devotional isn't about telling others our sins but rather about praying for others which is something we lack.
In the world we live in today, we lack empathy for family, for co-workers, neighbors, for the world, or any situation that isn't directly related to us and for this, God help us.
May we start each and everyday out with a prayer not my will but thine and I lift up Brother Joe and/or Sister Sue.
God Bless.
Scripture Reading: James 5:13-20 Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. - James 5:16
A sign on a friend’s desk states, “If you’re too busy to pray, you’re too busy!” But let’s admit that we’re often so busy that we lose sight of the importance of prayer. I have a hand-written, stern reminder to myself in the form of a yellowed piece of ­paper: “Busyness does not equal spirituality.” In my work as a pastor, busyness was often an excuse for not praying. Like the friends who carried a man with paralysis to Jesus (Luke 5:18-19), we can carry our friends to Jesus in prayer. Interceding for others helps us to keep our focus. We live life in community. It’s our duty toward fellow followers, journeying together in an unfriendly world.
We can never underestimate the power and importance of praying for one another. It’s necessary, beneficial, and entirely appropriate. Ephesians 6:18 teaches us to “pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.” Sometimes our prayers may be a few words of confession or lament; at other times we may be asking for wisdom in how to deal with a delinquent child.
Praying isn’t a separate segment of living in a complicated world. It’s what a hymn declares: “While I breathe, I pray.” Is that true for you? Prayer: Father God, you heard the prayers of your Son, Jesus, and you hear my prayers. Lead and guide me as I follow you today and every day. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
George Vink

Friday, November 10, 2017

Be Kind To People Who Are Different From You

The title say's it all. And it is what is wrong with people now a day's. People are on the judgemental boat and has no problem telling you what is wrong with you but Lord forbid you return the favor.
Maybe it is time we drop the judgemental attitude and replace it with one of love. Pure love. Sure, we don't have to agree with everything that is said and done but there has to be a better way of dealing with our opinions.
And there is, we can kill them with kindness and that just might knock the socks right off them!
God Bless.
Be kind to people who are different from you. “See people as opportunities to be kind. Look at those who are different as God’s unique creations who are equally deserving of your love and respect.” - Your Next 24 Hours Each person on Earth has been intricately knit by our Creator. God knows, loves and pursues drug dealers, celebrities and everyone in-between. We should, too. Easier said than done, right? In a world fueled by negativity, it’s easy to chime in or shut yourself off completely. But, instead of forming a rebuttal or leaving the conversation completely, take a moment to listen with no agenda.  You don’t have to agree with someone to love them. Jesus certainly didn’t! In fact, He knew people were going to disagree with him and he chose to pursue them anyway. Follow his example and be kind to someone with whom you would normally argue with or simply ignore.  Remember: “Tolerance is temporary — and often forced. Love is neverending — and freely given.” - Your Next 24 Hours

Thursday, November 9, 2017

What God Wants Us To Hear The Most

Just let the word's of this little devotional sink in then begin to believe in them.
We are perfectly and wonderfully made who live in a fallen world and thankfully we have a Savior who has overcome this world with so much love for each of one and we don't have to settle for anything less.
God Bless.
What God Wants Us to Hear the Most
You aren’t the mistakes you’ve made. You aren’t the labels that have been put on you. And you aren’t the lies the Enemy has tried to sell you. You are who God says you are. You are a child of God. You are the apple of God’s eye.  You are sought after. You are more than a conqueror. You are a new creation in Christ. You are the righteousness of Christ. All our identity issues are fundamental misunderstandings of who God is. Guilt issues are a misunderstanding of God’s grace. Control issues are a misunderstanding of God’s sovereignty. Anger issues are a misunderstanding of God’s mercy.
Pride issues are a misunderstanding of God’s greatness. Trust issues are a misunderstanding of God’s goodness. If you struggle with any of those issues, it’s time to let God be the loudest voice in your life!  God doesn’t love us because of who we are. God loves us because of who He is.  When we succeed, God says, “I love you.” When we fail, God says, “I love you.” When we have faith, God says, “I love you.” When we doubt, God says, “I love you.” Love is His answer to everything. Why? Because He is love. There is nothing you can do to make Him love you any more or any less. God loves you perfectly. He loves you eternally. God wants us to hear what He’s saying, and we must heed His voice. But much more than that, He wants us to hear His heart. So He whispers softer and softer so that we have to get closer and closer. And when we finally get close enough, He envelops us in His arms and tells us that He loves us.  We’ve been deafened by the voice of conformity, the voice of criticism, and the voice of condemnation, and the side effects include loneliness, shame, and anxiety.  The good news? You not only bear God’s image but you know His voice. It’s His voice that knit you together in your mother’s womb. It’s His voice that ordained all your days before one of them came to be. It’s His voice that began a good work and His voice that will carry it to completion. Where is God leading you? How is God talking to you?
If you can’t hear His voice, consider spending more time in His Word on a regular basis If you enjoyed this 5-day devotional from Mark Batterson, be sure to check out Mark's book, Whisper: How to Hear the Voice of God.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

The Loudest Voice In Your Life

What is the loudest voice in your ear? I can honestly say the loudest voice in my ear right now is the tv, Facebook, Instagram, and my family.
I know how I can make a change in my life. All I have to do is leave this world and it's distractions behind and become kingdom minded.
It is easier said than done but thankfully, I have someone who understands and is more than willing to help me as well has faith in me that I will rise and make Him the King of my heart as well as mind, body, and soul.
God Bless.
The Loudest Voice in Your Life Is it possible that what we perceive to be relational, emotional, and spiritual problems are actually hearing problems—ears that have been deafened to the voice of God? And it’s that inability to hear His voice that causes us to lose our voice and lose our way.
0Let me make a bold statement: Learning how to hear the voice of God is the solution to a thousand problems! It’s also the key to discovering our destiny and fulfilling our potential.  His voice is love. His voice is power. His voice is healing. His voice is wisdom. His voice is joy. If your life is off-key, maybe it’s because you’ve been deafened by the negative self-talk that doesn’t let God get a Word in edgewise! Maybe you’ve listened to the voice of criticism so long you can’t believe anything else about yourself. Or maybe it’s the Enemy’s voice of condemnation that speaks lies about who you really are. If you don’t silence those competing voices, they’ll eventually deafen you. You won’t be able to sing God’s song because you won’t be able to hear His voice.  Is God’s voice the loudest voice in your life? That’s the question. If the answer is no, that’s the problem. We live in a culture where everyone wants to have his or her voice heard but has so little to say. And that’s because we do so little listening, especially to God. The best way to get people to listen to us is for us to listen to God. Why? Because we’ll have something to say that is worth hearing.  Ultimately, all of us need to find our voice.
And by voice I mean the unique message God wants to speak through our lives. But finding our voice starts with hearing His voice.  Let me issue a warning, though. If you aren’t willing to listen to everything God has to say, you eventually won’t hear anything He has to say. If you want to hear His comforting voice, you have to listen to His convicting voice.
And it’s often what we want to hear least that we need to hear most. Trust me, though, you want to hear what He has to say.  Are you ready? When was the last time you heard God’s voice? What did He say or ask? How did you respond?
-Author Unknown

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Be Relentlessly Kind

There is so much wisdom and truth in these written words.
Simple wisdom which has the potential of a strong impact on your neighbor, in your city, and of course, your kindness can make an impact on this world. You never know until you begin to spead the kindness wealth.
God Bless.
Be relentlessly kind.
“Occasional kindness has limited power. But relentless kindness has the power to restore, inspire, rescue, and unite.” -
Your Next 24 Hours One of the best ways you can show people God’s love is by being kind. Kindness opens doors and bridges gaps. It repairs the broken and restores hope to the hopeless. Will you harness the power of kindness to tell others about Jesus?  Kindness isn’t a series of gestures — it’s a lifestyle. Kindness can’t be random — it has to be intentional. Kindness doesn’t require much — yet it can change everything. Jesus demonstrated remarkable kindness in his final hours on the cross. Despite unimaginable pain and humiliation, he used his last moments on Earth to bring another person into the Kingdom.  If you try to be relentlessly kind on your own, you’ll probably fail. But, if you tap into the power of the Holy Spirit, He will enable you to extend kindness in greater ways than you ever imagined. With God’s help, we can turn a moment of kindness into a movement. Remember: “Relentless kindness is contagious.”
- Your Next 24 Hours

Monday, November 6, 2017

Let There Be Light

Have you really thought about the creation of the world and what that entailed?
I must admit, I have but I am not saying I am an expert by any means and I enjoy reading about it.
And when I come across something that makes me think, I want to share it, and I think this little devotional has so many thought provoking nuggets in it, I just had to share.
Enjoy and God Bless.
Let there be light In a sense there was divine activity even before creation began--God must have made a gigantic mud ball in the dark. All of the elements were there, but they were all jumbled together. Matter existed, but it was in chaos. And then came the moment when God decided to begin the process of bringing order of the chaos. The first thing that the world of dark mud needed was the presence of the glory of God himself. Before there were sun, moon, and stars,
God brought the gift of light to the chaos, the light of himself: “Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light” (Genesis 1:2,3). God had endowed matter with the ability to reflect light with different colors and hues, different depths and texture. Light itself is a stupendous work of his--acting like both wave and particle, it bolts through all creation at 186,000 miles per second, bouncing back when there is something there. The people who appreciate light most are those from whom it has been taken. The blind will tell you how intensely they miss it and what a delight it is. When your eyes pop open tomorrow morning, whisper a little prayer, “Lord, how wonderful it is to see your world.”
-Let There Be Light Devotions

Friday, November 3, 2017

A Good Attitude Is Effective

Attitude is everything. Even in everything you do from here on in. 

Attitude determines whether you win or lose. Choosing to have a good attitude in whatever we do next is the battlezone and sometimes the war within can cause unspeakable damage to the cause we are fighting for. 

So, I guess what the bible says is true, you are what you believe. So, let's hit the battlefield with a clear mind and an attuitude to match for there is a lost and dying world out there who needs us to be the very best we can be. 

God Bless.

A Good Attitude Is Effective

by Joyce Meyer

Hear my prayer, O God; give ear to the words of my mouth.
—Psalm 54:2 NKJV

We all want our prayers to be effective and we want to be able to talk to God in ways that successfully bring His heart and His plans into our lives and the lives of other people. The Bible says, “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much” (James 5:16 NKJV). If we want to pray effective prayers that avail much, then we need to know what can make them ineffective. All of our prayers are not successful. For example, sometimes we want something so desperately that we fail to pray according to God’s will—and those prayers are not effective. Sometimes we are so angry or hurt that we pray prayers that are based on our emotions instead of on God’s Word or His heart—and those prayers are not effective either.
Through His Word, God tells us what to do in order to pray effective prayers. Effective prayer does not result from following formulas or abiding by certain principles. Effective prayer is based on God’s Word; it is simple, sincere, and filled with faith; it has nothing to do with rules or guidelines, but it does need to issue from a heart with a right attitude.
God's word for you today: A bad attitude can be changed by simply making a decision to change it.

From the book Hearing from God Each Morning: 365 Daily Devotions by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2010 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

And The Very Hairs On Your Head

Imagine with me for a minute that you and I could actually get an accurate count of the number of hair strings on a person without going crazy.
It could take all day depending on the length of the person's hair. Yep, I ain't doing it.
But there is somone who counts it all joy in knowing how many hair strings are on a person's head; the God lf this universe and  I find Him utterly amazing.
The most amazing thing about the God of the universe, is He thinks I and everyone else on this planet is the bomb diggity.
Just to think He cares so much about us and our problems and everything about us should take us all to our knees in thanks but we don't.
And yet, He continues to care for us. Amazing. Maybe it's time for us to change our tune and stop wondering if God really loves us and does he care about what we are going through and start counting our blessings instead.
God Bless.
And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows. (NLT) -Luke 12:7
Yes, you are very important to God. He concerns Himself with many details you may be unaware of. That's because He loves you so much. How awesome is it that we serve a God who knows more minuscule details about each of us and still loves us for who we are? Take a moment to express your gratitude to God for being personally involved in your life.
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Wednesday, November 1, 2017

God Has Called Each One Of Us

As 2018 looms before us, maybe it is time  for us to start looking ahead and to begin forming a plan as to what we are going to do to help bring healing to this lost, crazy, and dying world.
There is no denying there is something lacking in today's world. And if we look closely, no, listen closely, we can hear the sound of Jesus speaking into our ears the most simplistic answer. It is almost cliche.
What the world needs now is love sweet love, it's the only thing that there is just tl little of.
Yeah, so let us sing it loud and proud, far and wide and let us leave the world in a much better place than what we found it in.
God Bless.
God has called each one of us to join him in his mission of letting all people know and understand his deep love for them.
And that happens when people engage with him through the Bible. Throughout this plan you’ve heard others share why the Bible matters to them, and now it’s your turn to fill in the blank: The Bible matters because ____________.
Each day is a new opportunity to engage in God’s Word and discover new facets of his character that he reveals to us through Scripture. And it’s a new chance to fill in that blank with a different response. We hope that you’ll continue to share your story with the world and let others know what the Bible means to your life. Together, we can declare its importance to the world, for God’s glory!
Keep the conversation going all year long with resources and suggestions at why bible .
-Author Unknown