Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Heaven Touching Earth

All I can say about this little devotional is PREACH it.
Then meditate on it.
Then do it.
Then live by it today and in the day's to come and just maybe, our lives will change, peace will rule, and a world will be changed.
It's do-able!
God Bless.
"Heaven Touching Earth (Prayer Movements)"
When you read about him in the Bible, you see that Daniel’s whole life was defined by prayer. After reading the book of Daniel again recently, the thought I took away was that Daniel knew how to get serious with God, and so God took him seriously. Daniel didn’t just pray a little bit; he prayed “through” until God clearly responded. There are various instances of God’s response to Daniel’s praying. In Daniel 9, he prays and God answers immediately. But in Daniel 10, he prays daily for three weeks for one specific need. Finally, an angel of the Lord shows up and tells him that the answer was given immediately, but angels were warring in the heavenlies until that moment of breakthrough. One of my facebook friends wrote on my wall in response to my post: “When angels come and tell you they’re sorry it took so long, you know you’re doing something right.” Mark Batterson has said: “We need to stop praying ASAP prayers and start praying ALAIT prayers” (as long as it takes).
This is the kind of praying that captures the heart of God, and instills awakening within our souls. Sometimes we need to keep on praying until God moves.
-Awakening, Mark Brown

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