Wednesday, November 1, 2017

God Has Called Each One Of Us

As 2018 looms before us, maybe it is time  for us to start looking ahead and to begin forming a plan as to what we are going to do to help bring healing to this lost, crazy, and dying world.
There is no denying there is something lacking in today's world. And if we look closely, no, listen closely, we can hear the sound of Jesus speaking into our ears the most simplistic answer. It is almost cliche.
What the world needs now is love sweet love, it's the only thing that there is just tl little of.
Yeah, so let us sing it loud and proud, far and wide and let us leave the world in a much better place than what we found it in.
God Bless.
God has called each one of us to join him in his mission of letting all people know and understand his deep love for them.
And that happens when people engage with him through the Bible. Throughout this plan you’ve heard others share why the Bible matters to them, and now it’s your turn to fill in the blank: The Bible matters because ____________.
Each day is a new opportunity to engage in God’s Word and discover new facets of his character that he reveals to us through Scripture. And it’s a new chance to fill in that blank with a different response. We hope that you’ll continue to share your story with the world and let others know what the Bible means to your life. Together, we can declare its importance to the world, for God’s glory!
Keep the conversation going all year long with resources and suggestions at why bible .
-Author Unknown

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