Thursday, November 30, 2017

For Everything There Is A Season

If you are anything like me, there are times I wonder about God's timing. It never seems to match my own and that can get me very frustrated.
My frustration, is of my own making of course and I am so thankful I have a Savior who understands what I am feeling and why.
Often times, I run across a little devotional to help set me on the upright path and yes, I have grown, and my maturity level dealing with God's timing has changed from a baby to a toddler who still has s need for encouragement from her heavenly Father like this little devotional below.
Word's noted, Lord, and thank you for caring not only for me but also for any and all who will read this.
God Bless.

For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. (NLT) -Ecclesiastes 3:1
Sometime's bad things happen to good people. But how do you make peace with this thought, especially when you are fighting back anger, hurt, betrayal, or loneliness? It's important to realize God has perfect timing, even when we can't understand it. Without placing your faith in His timing, you leave room for resentment, despair, and rebellion. When you can't see the work God is doing through tragedy, remain faithful in knowing God's timing is perfect.
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