Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Thankful For Your Spouse

Although this devotional I saved a while back ago, I came acrossed it and being the week of thanksgiving, and being married and my husband works his butt off, there are times I feel as if he doesn't get enough credit.
So, I want to change that. I have the best husband and I want eveyone to know it. And it is my hope through this little devotional, that everyone will see their spouse in a diffent way and begin a spouse appreciation revolution.
And that revolution begins with me here and now....I am sooooooooo thankful for my spouse.
God Bless.

For the past five days we have been reminded of God’s goodness and all we can be thankful for as believers in the Body of Christ. We cannot help but grow tremendously thankful for all the blessings He has gifted to us. Today we offer up thanks to the Lord for our Spouse.
The Lord saw that man was lonely and established a partnership by providing a partner, a woman, a wife. The two would leave father and mother to join as one. What a gift from God, marriage! What a challenge and heart break some may also feel. For a little while, look for the blessing through the happy and heart break, and allow the Holy Spirit to illuminate all the ways your spouse has blessed your life, is blessing your life, or you believe will bless your life. Better yet, allow God to reveal to you how HE was blessing your life through that of your spouse.
Likely, many a memory comes to mind. A memento to commit to memory and offer up thanks to the Lord for His goodness. If a marriage was absolved or lost due to passing, be encouraged to seek the silver lining. Was there at least one thing (there must be several if we allow the heart to be softened and the mind to be opened) the Lord was able to bless you by, as a result of your unity?
Give thanks to the Lord for your spouse, present or lost, and pray for them, ask God to help them. Ask God to help you be a spouse that draws them closer to, and in a deeper relationship with, Jesus. Today, be encouraged to share with your spouse why you are thankful to God for them.
-Author Unknown

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