Thursday, November 2, 2017

And The Very Hairs On Your Head

Imagine with me for a minute that you and I could actually get an accurate count of the number of hair strings on a person without going crazy.
It could take all day depending on the length of the person's hair. Yep, I ain't doing it.
But there is somone who counts it all joy in knowing how many hair strings are on a person's head; the God lf this universe and  I find Him utterly amazing.
The most amazing thing about the God of the universe, is He thinks I and everyone else on this planet is the bomb diggity.
Just to think He cares so much about us and our problems and everything about us should take us all to our knees in thanks but we don't.
And yet, He continues to care for us. Amazing. Maybe it's time for us to change our tune and stop wondering if God really loves us and does he care about what we are going through and start counting our blessings instead.
God Bless.
And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows. (NLT) -Luke 12:7
Yes, you are very important to God. He concerns Himself with many details you may be unaware of. That's because He loves you so much. How awesome is it that we serve a God who knows more minuscule details about each of us and still loves us for who we are? Take a moment to express your gratitude to God for being personally involved in your life.
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