Monday, November 6, 2017

Let There Be Light

Have you really thought about the creation of the world and what that entailed?
I must admit, I have but I am not saying I am an expert by any means and I enjoy reading about it.
And when I come across something that makes me think, I want to share it, and I think this little devotional has so many thought provoking nuggets in it, I just had to share.
Enjoy and God Bless.
Let there be light In a sense there was divine activity even before creation began--God must have made a gigantic mud ball in the dark. All of the elements were there, but they were all jumbled together. Matter existed, but it was in chaos. And then came the moment when God decided to begin the process of bringing order of the chaos. The first thing that the world of dark mud needed was the presence of the glory of God himself. Before there were sun, moon, and stars,
God brought the gift of light to the chaos, the light of himself: “Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light” (Genesis 1:2,3). God had endowed matter with the ability to reflect light with different colors and hues, different depths and texture. Light itself is a stupendous work of his--acting like both wave and particle, it bolts through all creation at 186,000 miles per second, bouncing back when there is something there. The people who appreciate light most are those from whom it has been taken. The blind will tell you how intensely they miss it and what a delight it is. When your eyes pop open tomorrow morning, whisper a little prayer, “Lord, how wonderful it is to see your world.”
-Let There Be Light Devotions

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