Friday, November 10, 2017

Be Kind To People Who Are Different From You

The title say's it all. And it is what is wrong with people now a day's. People are on the judgemental boat and has no problem telling you what is wrong with you but Lord forbid you return the favor.
Maybe it is time we drop the judgemental attitude and replace it with one of love. Pure love. Sure, we don't have to agree with everything that is said and done but there has to be a better way of dealing with our opinions.
And there is, we can kill them with kindness and that just might knock the socks right off them!
God Bless.
Be kind to people who are different from you. “See people as opportunities to be kind. Look at those who are different as God’s unique creations who are equally deserving of your love and respect.” - Your Next 24 Hours Each person on Earth has been intricately knit by our Creator. God knows, loves and pursues drug dealers, celebrities and everyone in-between. We should, too. Easier said than done, right? In a world fueled by negativity, it’s easy to chime in or shut yourself off completely. But, instead of forming a rebuttal or leaving the conversation completely, take a moment to listen with no agenda.  You don’t have to agree with someone to love them. Jesus certainly didn’t! In fact, He knew people were going to disagree with him and he chose to pursue them anyway. Follow his example and be kind to someone with whom you would normally argue with or simply ignore.  Remember: “Tolerance is temporary — and often forced. Love is neverending — and freely given.” - Your Next 24 Hours

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