Friday, June 8, 2018

Do Not Withhold Anything Good

Kindness goes a long way mixed in with a little bit of grace and mercy and we just might be on the road to a better world.
O, I don't know, maybe we should try it and find out. It couldn't hurt. The world wouldn't be any worse off than it already is.
So yeah, kindness, grace, and mercy for a lost and dying world is exactly what the doctor ordered.
God Bless.

Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it's in your power to help them. (NLT) -Proverbs 3:27
Is there anybody who doesn't deserve good? Honestly, no. Grace enters the equation where everyone is made in the image of God. No matter what someone has done, we are called to do good. What does it look like for you? Maybe it's lending your tools out, perhaps it's aiding an older person to figure out their medicine, or being an exercise partner to a neighbor. What good would you like done for you? Now, choose to do that for someone else today.
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