Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The Truth Will Set You Free

It's all about the bible today and every day. This world has gone crazy and we are running around like chickens with their heads cut off looking for answers when the answers are written in a big bulking book or now it can be found by downloading an app.
No matter how ya lgike to read it, just make sure ya do and get educated, get the protection you need from it, and let it introduce you to the one who created it all and ya just might find the freedom you been looking for and ya might just develop a need to spread the good news to all those other people who are looking for thier freedom.

God Bless.

The Truth You Know Will Set You Free
I can’t emphasize how important it is to read the Word of God. It contains all the truth we will ever need to overcome all the problems we will ever face in our lives. We just have to open up the Word and find what we need to draw help from. The Word says that our bodies can be healed, our families can be saved, our finances can be abundant, our fears can be conquered, our relationships can be healthy and whole, and our churches can impact the world. I read and stand on the truth of about 20 or more passages every day, because I know that it was the truth in God’s Word that kept me going, when I had severe chest pain due to hyperacidity, in 2013. I urge you to find out what the Bible says about your need, apply it to your life, and let the truth of God’s Word set you free! For with God nothing will be impossible (Luke 1:37). There are more than 8000 promises or blessings in the Bible. Claim them for your life and your family.
Jesus said, “Heaven and earth will pass away but My Words will never pass away.” God definitely keeps His Word. Prayer Father, I ask You today, to help me find the truth in Your Word that will set me free. Your Word is life, health and peace in the midst of every problem. I choose to apply the truth of Your Word to my life and walk in Your freedom. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
-Author Unknown

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