Monday, June 18, 2018

No Limits To His Power Over Matter

I found this little devotional and it got me thinking. Do I really believe God is a big God and if so how do I demonstrate His biggness?
Recently, God told me I am not believing for Him to do mighty works and you know, its true but surely I can't be the only one.
It is time for us to try and stop putting God in a box and let Him be the big God He is, don't you think so too?
God Bless.
No limits to his power over matter “A man’s got to know his limitations”--wisdom from Harry Callahan (a.k.a. Clint Eastwood) in "Magnum Force." Clint’s right—we are all limited: limited vision, limited brainpower, limited physical capacity, limited lifespan. The God we worship, however, has no such limitations. The entire physical universe was created by him and every day still must submit to his word and will.
Absolutely every molecule in every place is under his supervision and direction. Look what he did in Egypt to Egypt. When the arrogant and hard-hearted Pharaoh refused to release his Israelite slaves, God sent his man Moses for a little demo of what unlimited divine power looked like: “He raised his staff in the presence of Pharaoh and his officials and struck the water of the Nile, and all the water was changed into blood. The fish in the Nile died, and the river smelled so bad that the Egyptians could not drink its water” (Exodus 7:20,21).
Is your jaw dropping? The Nile is over four thousand miles long, with billions upon billions of gallons of water sliding downhill in its banks. God turned physics into biology by making something inorganic organic. It is nothing for God to stop the earth’s rotation, feed five thousand people with five loaves and two fish, or turn water into wine. He has the unlimited power to do everything for you that he said he’d do, and he uses that power to bring benefit to your life.
-Author Unknown

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