Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Fellowship With Jesus

Our relationship and how we fellowship with our Jesus should be our number priority but to be honest, I sometimes fail to make it so.
It is easier said than done with everything that is thrown at you in any given day but it's nice to be encouraged from a little devotional where you realize you haven't strayed to far off and there is a way back.
If there is one thing I know, He loves us and understands and is patently waiting for us to get our act together.
God Bless.

Fellowship with Jesus
Joe Stowell  
I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. Philippians 3:8 Philippians 3:7–14 Esther 6–8; Acts 6
I’ll never forget the time I had the privilege of sitting next to Billy Graham at a dinner. I was honored but also somewhat nervous about what would be appropriate to say. I thought it would be an interesting conversation starter to ask what he loved most about his years of ministry. Then I awkwardly started to suggest possible answers. Was it knowing presidents, kings, and queens? Or preaching the gospel to millions of people around the world? Before I had finished offering suggestions, Rev. Graham stopped me. Without hesitation he said, “It has been my fellowship with Jesus. To sense His presence, to glean His wisdom, to have Him guide and direct me—that has been my greatest joy.” I was instantly convicted and challenged. Convicted because I’m not sure that his answer would have been my answer, and challenged because I wanted it to be. That’s what Paul had in mind when he counted his greatest achievements to be of no worth compared to the “surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord” (Philippians 3:8).
Think of how rich life would be if Jesus and our fellowship with Him was our highest pursuit.   Lord, forgive me for chasing after things that matter far less than my fellowship with You. Thank You that You stand ready to enrich my life with Your presence and power. To remain faithful where God has placed you, give Christ first place in your heart.

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