Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Love Wins - All

The word's of the this little devotional ring's true not just on paper but for me and for you to live by not only just for today but in the day's to come.
As this world crumbles, we must provide the answer to combat the darkness and we doe this by the word of our testimony and let our testimony be made up of the never failing love of Jesus.
God Bless.
Love Wins—All the Time
Scripture:  John 21:15-17
Love is the answer to the broken home. Love is the answer to the addict. Love is the answer to fractured relationships. Love is the answer to being offended. Love is the answer to heartbreak. Love is a weapon that can shatter division and rebuild what has been broken. What is happening in your life right now that tests you in the way you love? Did you just discover that your spouse has been cheating on you? Do you want to reconnect with the daughter you haven’t spoken to in months? Did your son just tell you his girlfriend is pregnant? Is your teenager suffering from an addiction that is overwhelming not just his life but every single person in your family? Has your adult daughter declared she’s a lesbian and she’s done with the whole God business? Different dynamics and complexities characterize each of these situations. But they’re real. They’re hard.
And they hurt. I wonder what would happen if we decided that, with God’s help and in His strength, we are going to love like we’ve never been hurt. Instead of withholding affection, staying bitter or seeking revenge, we love. God will begin, little by little, to release you from the past if you will reach for a new day. It takes a lot of love and forgiveness to hold a family together. Love never fails. Keep on forgiving. Keep on loving. Keep on reaching. Keep on talking. The Big Idea:  The ones whom you love the most can hurt you the most. Love them anyway.
-Jentezen Franklin Devotional App

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